BBC One Suite of Idents




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BBC One Case Study

Suite of idents and purpose of them

A suite of idents involves of several different idents that all have a similar theme that links them together. Having a single theme helps to maintain/brand identity, which is useful because it’s less complex than having a lot of themes. Having a suite of idents rather than just one offers variety and interest for the audience. Channels have them to offer a variety of different themes to specific audiences; this will bring in a wider audience. For example, BBC One has different idents relevant for the next program on or the time of year. So if it was winter, it would show the ident but it would be snowing around it.

BBC Three Idents

This ident for BBC Three relates to a immature audience that watch shows relevant to the ident. For example, the woman in the bikini bungee jumping with the inflatable ring is presumably related to their unique program ‘Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents’. The fact that they are all bungee jumping adds a sense that the program also shows programs that are wild and interesting for a teenager to watch. The unique colour of pink on the logo and the informal font makes a suggestion that it’s for a young selective audience. This ident is usable anytime of year or day because it doesn’t give any explicit or offensive messages or themes that people could complain about. The tweeting birds and bright blue sky are brought across as trying to make the ident peaceful and intrigue the audience as to what show is on next.

BBC Three Idents

This ident appeals to people aged 16-30 due to it’s high complexity of numerous random things occurring. For example, the curving stairs leading to an unidentified location suggest that the ident is hinting toward The Explorer as it involves seeking adventure and gives a theme of mystery. The ground looking very spherical is emphasizing that is is the a planet, presumably Earth, and the BBC Three logo is connected to Earth which suggests it should be a important part of our lives in terms of what we watch. This ident can be used anytime of day as it has no festive significance or offensive themes that would be necessary after the watershed.

BBC Three Idents

Once again the spherical object is seen with wildlife on it so the implication is that it is Earth. The target audience for this ident is 16-30 year olds as the informal bold text, the distinguishing vibrant colours in the background and the people playing on clouds creates a immature and quite childish theme. This ident can be used anytime of day and year because of its harmless and passive themes being displayed. This ident could be generalizing programmes on the channel from the details of the ident itself. For example, the bright colours and animated people could be introducing ‘Family Guy’ or ‘American Dad’, this is beneficial to the audience as they know what to expect from the forthcoming program.


Each of the idents have the logo clearly shown which is the sensible thing to do. Each ident has the same style font and colour of pink which allows people to make the channel memorable. They also all have calm, positive music that plays fluently with the visuals. The visuals all act in the same way with slow, miniature people acting out of the ordinary. The sky is always fairly clear with a few clouds, this being corresponded with the rest gives a positive atmosphere. The consistent theme in these idents reflects how the BBC are so connected with the world through their image of portraying Earth to be a beautiful place with vibrant colours.