Beacon Awards Ceremony Congratulations


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Congratulations to all the awardees! - Jemuel

Congratulations to our beacons. May you always do your best.

Congratulations Primary 6!

Rise and Shine Beacons!

Congrats! All the best in your future endeavours!

All the best to our P6 cohort 2013. May all get to the secondary school of your choice. Cheers!

Congratulations Primary 6, the future awaits you! Keep the flame for learning shining on.

Congratulations to all P6! Hope we can meet up soon.

Congratulations to all prize recipients!

Congratulations to all prize winners

Well done Beacons! To many more outstanding graduating Beacons for many years to come.

Congratulations to all the prize winners! Enjoy learning

All the best

Congrats to you guys… Hope you guys have a good time in sec 1!

Good work!

Congrats! All the best for the P6 pupils.

Work hard, play hard!

Congrats! Work hard!

Study hard, wish you good luck.

Congratulations Primary 6!!! Hope you do well for your secondary 1!!!

I am happy for all my friends from P1 to P6!!! Keep on shining you guys… Also congratulations to Aiman!

Congrats! From Aiman, class 4/2.

Dear prize winners, You have done our school proud. Continue the good work and continue to SHINE!Ms Hoo

All the best and remember to try your best in every way! We are so proud of you!

All the best towards your future!

Congratulations in completing your Primary School education. It is now time for all of you to move on to Secondary School education. All the best in your future endeavours.

Congrats to all Primary 6 friends who are leaving the school.

You guys rock! Good luck in secondary school.

Play hard and work hard.

Congratulations and continue to shine!

Dear Pioneers,All the best in your future endeavours! Always keep Beacon Shining!Ms Manea


All the best to the P6 outgoing cohort! I wish you success in all your endeavours!

Well done beacons!!! Continue with the good work. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! From your friendly teachers

Thanks Network Master Mentor! I would like to thank Suzanna who is the master mentor for my network. Thanks Suzanna! Let's Keep In Touch Using Emails. I would also like to bid farewell to Lindy, Cheyenne, Yu Ling and Suzanna. Thanks! Bye! :)

Wish all the best to P6 students. Congratulations to all prize recipients.

To the Outstanding Connector Award, Congratulations and enjoy your trip to Hong Kong
