Belgium trip 2012 mle presentation




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Belgium Battlefields Trip 2012.


Mrs Jacqueline Brabham

Mr Robin Fisher

Miss Jacqueline Allot

Mr David Hickman

You will need to bring to Mr Hickman ASAP:

• Details of any relatives killed in WW1

• This could include a name, where exactly (or roughly!) the relative was from, rank, regiment, date of death, etc

• See Mr Hickman for help if unsure more details, as we can probably help you trace your relative and maybe take you to their grave

You will need to have handed in:

• An individual passport – there is no group passport this year

• An EHIC card in case of sickness/medical emergency

• The balance of the trip, paid in full

You will need to bring:

• Waterproofs, sun protection, clothing and footwear for all weathers (e.g. wellies

for trench exploration)

• Mainly Euros and a bit of English money

• A packed lunch for the journey

• A pillow/neck rest in case you wish to sleep

You may decide to bring:

• A book/magazine/game for the coach journey

• A football and permission to play a non competitive match if you wish to play?

• Other – please check with Mr Hickman

You will need to:

• Go to form registration

• Be at the coach for 9am

• Be at all meeting points on time including any service station after

any ferry waiting stops

Coach leaves 9.30am THURSDAY June 28th

Assemble turning circle 9.00, register first

Friday 29th JuneFull day excursion to Vimy & the Somme.

Vimy Ridge trenches, tunnels and monument 4pm.

Visits also to: Serre (scene of failed attack by Sheffield & Barnsley Pals),

Thiepval museum & monument to the 73,000 missing on the Somme,

Newfoundland Park (scene of 90% casualties on July 1st 1916)

THURSDAY 28th June 2012

Depart Bradfield school 09.30am

Arrive Dover 16.15?

Depart Dover 17.25

Arrive Calais 19.55 (local time)

Depart Calais 20.10

Arrive Ypres 21.45

Evening meal to be provided

Saturday June 30 2012Full day excursion to Ypres Salient:

Essex Farm,

In Flanders Fields Museum, souvenir and chocolate shopping

Lunch at Hooge

Afternoon visits to Hooge/Sanctuary

Wood trenches Tynecot & Langemarck cemeteries.

Sunday July 1st 2012

RETURN JOURNEY01/07/2012 Ypres 08:30

Arrive Calais 10:35 (French time)

Depart Calais 11:35

Arrive Dover 12:05

Depart Dover 12:20

Arrive Worrall, Sheffieldestimated 18:15

Students to ring parents to advise

Our expectations:

Important do’s & don’ts on the coach:

It is a legal and safety requirement to STAY SEATED & WEAR SEAT BELTS at ALL times.

No litter please or fizzy drinks - they tend to explode!

Remember to THANK THE DRIVER – he’ll be driving us everywhere and p's and q’s really go a long way.

Wellies in bags in the side of the coach please.

Important do’s & don’ts on the ferry:


NO RUNNING anywhere!

Stay in GROUPS OF NO LESS THAN 3 & be on time for return to the coach.

No cigarettes or alcohol - bought or consumed!

Stay in doors in the event of stormy weather.

Important do’s & don’ts at the youth hostel:

NO RUNNING, especially up & down the stairs.


Don’t lean back on windowsills, fiddle with sockets, lock doors at night, or open any fire doors.

Upstairs by 10.30 latest & STAY IN ROOMS & QUIET AFTER 11.00pm.

Important do’s & don’ts around Ypres/battlesites:

Look out for traffic coming from the other side.

Only cross roads at battlesites with a teacher.

No caps/football shirts, running or shouting please.

Show respect & listen – you will learn a lot!

Groups of AT LEAST 3, wait & turn up on time as required!

Look but don’t touch. No ‘solo’ purchases of replica weapons!

Any questions ?

Please email Mr Hickman directly at: