Camphora homeopathic materia medica slide show presentation by Dr.Hansraj salve


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CamphoraHomoeopathic materia medica slide show presentation by Dr.Hansraj


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CamphoraCommon name – Camphor

Chemical formulae – C10 H16 O2

Physical make up – Person who are exceedingly sensitive to cold air weak physically and mentally

Temperament – Irritable temperament

Relation with heat and cold – Chilly

Miasm - Psoara

Physical makeup

With pale or cold blue, hippocratic face;

Child will not be covered (Sec.).


Persons physically and mentally weak and irritable.

surface of body cold, face pale, blue lips livid

profound prostration

Exceedingly sensitive to cold air


Bad effects of shock from injury


Entire body painfully sensitive to slightest touch.


Pain better while thinking of it


Surface cold to the touch yet cannot bear to be covered

Throws off all coverings


Tongue cold, flabby, trembling.

Nose cold and pointed

Anxious and restless

Skin and breath cold


Severe, long- lasting chill (Ver.).

Great coldness of the surface with sudden and complete prostration of the vital force

Often a remedy in congestive chill; Pernicious intermittent (Ver.);

Pulse weak, externally small, scarcely perceptible.


• Cholera

Sudden attacks of vomiting and diarrhoea

In first stages of cholera morbus and Asiatic




All sequelae of measles.

Measles and scarlatina when

eruption does not appear

General modalities


When thinking of existing complaint

Warm air

Drinking cold water

CholeraAilments from:Shock from injury

Eruptions, suppressed

Cold air



Cholera Stage:

It typifies all the collapse stages of cholera – N.M. Chaudhari

Cholera Physical look:

Look of the face - face is cold, blue and shriveled, very much anxious and pale

Cholera Characters:

Onset – sudden attack of vomiting and diarrhoea

Quantity – there is not much discharge from bowel, not much vommiting, sweat, and urine, but suddenly the patient collapses

Great coldness of surface of body, body cold to touch yet can not bear to be covered. Throws of all the coverings.

With collapse there is great prostration and rapid sinking of strength

Cholera Characters:

Cholera Character of stool:

Rice watery, involuntary, blackish, dark brown, faeces like coffee ground, scanty with great tenesmus.

Cholera Character of vomiting:

There is great retching and straining to violent vomiting with scanty discharge

Cholera Character of pain:

Cramps- there are cramps in the stomach and bowels spreading to other parts of the body, especially in calf muscles

Tongue – cold flabby and trembling with cold breath

Cholera Appearance of tongue:

Sweat – scanty sweat which is cold, all over the body, but more on the forehead

Cholera Character of sweat:

Pulse – weak, small, slow, scarcely perceptible

Cholera Character of pulse:

Cholera modalities


When thinking of existing complaint

Warm air

Drinking cold water

FeverAilments from:

Shock from injury

Eruptions, suppressed

Cold air



FeverCharacter and sensation:

Eruptive fever, especially in measles,

Face is pale, blue, cold and Hippocratic face.

Body is cold to touch, still the patient likes to be uncovered.

When eruptions do not appears or in repercussive eruption of measles and scarlatina, in all sequels of measles camphor is a great remedy.

FeverCharacter and sensation:

Fever modalities


When thinking of existing complaint

Warm air

Drinking cold water

Remedy relationship

Antidotes nearly every vegetable medicine; also tabacco, fruits containing prussic acid, poisonous mushrooms;

Should not be allowed in the sick room in its crude form;

Compare: Carbo veg., Opium, Verat., Sec.

Thank you for watching Dr.Hansraj salve (BHMS, MDPGD IN X-RAY AND USG TECHNIQUE).

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