CEDAR's China Flood Relief Work (04 August 2010)


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China Flood Relief4 August 2010

CEDAR has conducted needs assessment in severely flood-hit areas of Guangan and Dazhou in Sichuan province.

Torrential rains and floods have caused wide-scale destruction of both homes and crops:

Substantial crops have been destroyed and villagers can only resume farming after 6 months. Flood affected population will need to rely on food aid supplies in coming months.

Houses collapsed…

… many buildings are damaged by floodwaters.

Foundations of newly-renovated houses are being exposed.

Home fixtures and properties are washed away by gush of water.

Roads became impassable and …

… water sources are contaminated.

The flood victims are now in dire need of daily necessity items and shelters.

CEDAR is launching relief operations with local church; has so far distributed relief items to 270 homeless families in Taiping, Hualou and Baisa in Wanyuan county, Dazhou.

Relief items include clothes, bed sheets, thermal water container, rechargeable torches, cooking utensils, buckets, personal hygiene items and other daily necessities.

CEDAR will soon launch the second phase of relief work and rehabilitation.

Please give your helping handto flood victims in China

Support the relief work of CEDARwww.cedarfund.org/china_flood_2010/eng

(852) 2381 9627
