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We live in a very fast pace world. We are constantly looking for new things to do and it is really hard to keep just a 40 hour work week.

Most of our time is committed to doing something and yet almost always something is left undone. We not only spent must of the day working with our gadgets but we also take our gadgets to the bed and that is keeping us from getting a good sleep.

So that is the problem that we want to solve.

100 Solutions

• listen to sounds of nature like birds, sea, etc• relaxing scents in bedroom (like vanilla)• drink warm milk• play with your pet• tell a story to a child

2. A gamified campaign to reward not using your gadgets after goint to bed

1. Make a motivational campaign to avoid the usage of gadgets in bed

4. Thick sleeping mask for your gadgets

3. Thick sleeping mask (in order to don’t see the lights from your gadgets)

100 Solutions

• take a foot massage• take a bath in a whirlpool hot tub• relaxing scents of nature in bedroom• a session of Tai Chi to relax• acupuncture

6. Daily routine to “disconnect” doing a 30 minute activity not involving any

gadget before going to sleep

5. Special pillows that would make an anonnying noise if you put your

cellphone on next to it

8. Time control app to know how much sleep are you getting each day

of the month

7. Time control app to know how much time you’re dedicating to using a gadget

when already in bed (like

100 Solutions

• take a walk at the seashore• listen to nursery rhymes• read a boring novel• practice yoga• take a walk in a park

10. Replace your bed for with a sleeping pod (


9. Use a chair in the office to take a 15 minute

nap every 4 hours (


12. Make a schedule to use your phone for browsing only during certain times during the


11. Don’t use your phone as an alarm and charge it through the night in another room

14. hide your phone inside a shoe

13. do some jogging at night in order to be tired and don't want to use your gadgets

before sleeping

100 Solutions

• work in a embroidery or in some kind of craft work

• Listen to classical music • Not taking work to the bedroom• Schedule appointments to be more organized

and less stressed• Take a hot bath

16. use a “gadget in bed” jar, everytime you use a gadget in bed you must put $1 in the


15. leave the phone at the bedroom and sleep in the dining room

18. an app that block all your social media apps for at least 6hrs in the night

17. read a book for ½ hour before sleeping (no gadget usage allowed)

20. Use a sleeping alarm (instead of a waking alarm) and when it goes off go to sleep and don’t touch your

gadgets afterwards

19. every night put all your gadgets(laptop, phone, tablet) inside a Faraday bag


100 Solutions

• schedule bed time and wake up time• relax by listening to jokes

• use a good pillow• sliding curtains to keep bedroom dark

• comfortable nightclothes

22. Don’t user your gadgets for stressful activities (i.e. work) after going to bed

21. Drink a relaxing tea before going to sleep

24. use a custom timed DNS(

that after certain time redirects social media sites to localhost (so you can’t visit them)

23. Instead of stay up in the night doing work activities make a to-do list to complete the pending tasks early

in the morning

100 Solutions

• Have a box where you can keep your gadgets • Have an app that blocks notifications at a certain time pre


• Use night eyeglasses that avoid receiving the light of the gadgets

• Have a game that gives you badges when you put your gadget in sleeping mode and if you turn the screen on it subtracts points.

• Have a no electricity room. a place where you can’t charge your gadgets.

26. APP To shutdown your devices at a determined time (like TV sleep-timer)

25. use a timed data plan so you won’t be able to use internet after certain time

28. online community that supports each other with advice and tools to improve sleep


27. APP to track your sleephours according with your daily agenda, and reminds you how long time you will

30. a training program to change excessive use of devices during the day, which includes

suggestions for activities in outdoors.

29. bed for devices with a charger (to put in the table next to the bed, at determined time it

lights up to remind us that devices must sleep too.

100 Solutions

• Keep your gadgets outside the room you sleep. out of sight out of mind.

• Use something like that lets you schedule when to receive email or reminders

• Create a sleeping routine• Find out what makes you fall sleep and do it 30

minutes before your sleeping time• Use a device to block wifi signal at a certain time

32. Programmable clock on each device to lock the device at determined time.

31. an online community who send alerts to local users that is time to sleep.

34. helmet which has an screen where people can have access to the screen of their devices,

when is time to sleep, screens turns off.

33. contest for 8 hours sleep, synchronizing devices to a platform which allows to track the sleep hours,

who gets more points for each night sleeping the recommended time wins

36. screensaver like eyedefender which changes into a calm image when is time to


35. google glasses to sleep.

100 solutions

• Have an app that reminds you how much energy you save if you turn off your gadgets in terms of money.

• Install modern outlets


• Practice yoga or go swimming at night to relax.• Cut off light at certain time unless you schedule it to be

turned off later.• use earplugs to limit sound.

38. exercise routine before going to bed

37. switch interruptor that turns off lights and screens (tv, tablets, smartphones, etc.)

40. sleeping capsule

39. device door detector, if person enters to the room with a device door will play an alarm

42. reward program for sleeping 8 hours. $1 per night, like a saving program

41. device holder to put outside the bedroom

100 solutions

• Read a book instead of using your gadgets• Drink half cup of wine • Practice self hypnosis• Have a jar where you have to put $1 for every

hour that you don’t sleep according to your standard. And you have to give that money.

• Have an e-reader that you can schedule the amount of time you can read at night and when it gets to that time it sends you to sleep.

44. big screen to display all devices screen, each device can be disconnected separately.

43. psychological therapy

46. app which translates all text into japanese or arabic language to make it hard to understand until person

gets bored

45. relaxing music and lighting in the room to create a calm environment which invites the person to sleep.

100 solutions

• Use an online social network to join a support group and share how you get a good night sleep

• make a special playlist in your ipod with nature sounds

• sleep with music• Wake up early you will be to tired to use your

gadgets at night.• go to sleeping therapy

48. bed with massaging system, which makes a person so comfortable until he falls asleep.

47. app that helps user to prioritize content to read in the morning

50. personal assistant: productivity digital assistant who organizes activities to fit

during the day.

49. “priorities in bed” like breakfast in bed, once you wake up, it displays an agenda of your tasks to be

accomplished during the day.
