Chapter 17 Pretest




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Chapter 17 Pretest


Which of the following was NOT a member of the UN Security Council?

A. China

B. Japan

C. Great Britain

D. Soviet Union

What influential American diplomat was the architect of the policy of containment, the basis of American foreign policy for over

forty years?

A. George Kennan

B. Dean Acheson

C. Henry Kissinger

D. Cordell Hull

The essential element of the policy of containment was?:

A. a commitment to rolling back communism.

B. a rejection of involvement in affairs outside the Western Hemisphere.

C. a commitment to holding communism within the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe

D. a commitment to working with the Soviet Union.

The main economic problem faced by President Truman in his first term was?:

A. falling prices.

B. a dwindling money supply.

C. tight credit.

D. inflation.

The Marshall Plan could be understood as part of an American desire to?:

A. make communism less appealing to Europeans by creating economic prosperity.

B. assemble a military alliance against the Soviet Union.

C. maintain Western Europe in a state of permanent economic dependence on the United States.

D. permanently eliminate the possibility of a threat from an industrialized Germany.

Most of Truman's Fair Deal program?

A. met defeat at the hands of a coalition of Republicans and Southern Democrats.

B. was defeated by filibuster tactics

C. was passed by a combination of liberal Republicans and Northern Democrats

D. was passed after long debate

All of these statements about the 1948 presidential campaign are true EXCEPT?

A. the Dixiecrats were a special group of Southern Democrats who would not support Truman.

B. Truman was a heavy favorite to defeat his Republican rival, Governor Thomas Dewey of New York.

C. Henry Wallace broke from the Democratic party and became a candidate on the Progressive party ticket.

D. not only did Truman win the election, but his party made gains in both houses of Congress and picked up most of the governorships

In 1947, President Truman told Congress that the United States would "support free peoples

who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures,“ This policy

was first implemented in?

A. Greece and TurkeyB. BerlinC. Hungary and IranD. Korea.

The "G. I. Bill of Rights" refers to?

A. an amendment to the Constitution adopted shortly after the end of World War II.

B. rights of veterans affirmed by the Supreme Court in a series of post-war decisions.

C. education, unemployment compensation, loans for home building, and provisions for medical care of veterans.

D. guarantees for employment of veterans in federal government departments and agencies.

The House Un-American Activities Committee was?

A. responsible for a series of highly publicized hearings designed to expose communist influence in American life.

B. the name that Senator Joseph McCarthy gave to the House Armed Services Committee.

C. declared by the Supreme Court to be in violation of basic civil liberties and therefore unconstitutional.

D. shut down by President Truman as a signal to the nation that the crusade against communist subversion would be directed from the White House.

During the struggle in China between nationalists and communists after World War II,

the United States?

A. supported Chiang Kai-shek with money and weapons

B. supported the communist leader Mao Zedong hoping that a communist China friendly to the United States would help stop Soviet aggression.

C. supported Ho Chi Minh, a compromise leader.

D. intervened militarily to put an end to the struggle.

What tumultuous year saw both the successful detonation of a Soviet atomic

bomb and the collapse of China's nationalist government?

A. 1948

B. 1949

C. 1950

D. 1951

What did the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 do?

A. It made illegal the “closed shop”

B. It provided educational and economic assistance to WWII veterans.

C. It made illegal the open shop and abolished state "right-to-work" laws.

D. It ensured full employment through aggressive use of federal spending and investment.

Where had Korea been divided at the end of 1945?

A. The 17th parallel

B. The 38th parallel

C. The 41st parallel

D. The 49th parallel
