Chinese language & culture in xinjiang 2012 historyreferences



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Chinese language & culture in Xinjiang 2012: history references

G P Witteveen

China Tobacco office, Urumqi

Transport workhorse for pre-automobile times

Bronze bell on gate to construction site, Urumqi

Brush-style font on gate to construction site, Urumqi

Golden statue at front of medical clinic, Urumqi

Decoration of traditional arts (utility cabinet near city center book store)

Traditional arts of various ethnicities of Xinjiang

Traditional performances of several ethnicities of Xinjiang

Contrast of 1940s & 2000s buildings, Urumqi

White statues of 12 zodiac figures at front of wedding hall

Statues of 12 zodiac figures at front of wedding hall

Statues reminiscent of European Renaissance (plastic surgery clinic)

False ancient roof at front of Chinese restaurant.

Detail of restaurant fake ancient front roofline

More detail of restaurant front false roofline

Lucky red ribbons on statues at front door of business, Urumqi

Stone lion-dog statue tucked into access gate

City park at left is topped by pagoda structure (Hongshan park, Urumqi).

General store in central west Urumqi with traditional costume

City water spray (roads) truck refills at pagoda-style water depot.

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Old-style door and window details on shop for jade & antiquities, Urumqi

Uniforms at his college stadium rally seem to signal tradition.

Brush-style font in black on placard signals tradition or history.

Panorama of wedding palace

Panorama west central Urumqi, June 2012