Climate Change



This is a powerpoint presentation that was created as part of an activity for ICTs for Learning Design.

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What is happening?

Question ..................

What is your understanding of climate change?

Share your ideas with the person beside you.

What is climate change?

Climate change is the result of changes in our weather patterns because of an increase in the Earth’s average temperature. This is caused by increases in greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere. These gases soak up heat from the sun but instead of the heat leaving the Earth’s atmosphere, some of it is trapped, making the Earth warmer.

Retrieved from

What causes climate change?

Increase in greenhouse gases, as a result of an increase in human activity.

Some of the activities undertaken: burning fossil fuels (ie coal) some types of farming activities cutting down trees and clearing land decomposition (breakdown) of food, plant

wastes and sewerage production of goods and services.

Australia’s perspective

In Australia, greenhouse gas emissions come primarily (70%) from the energy sector.

Our biggest offenders are electricity generation, burning coal and road transport.

Australia generates only 1.5% of total global greenhouse gas emissions.

Australia is one of the world's biggest polluters on a per capita basis.

Australia’s emissions

Are we really to blame?

There are a large number of skeptics of climate change and global warming issue.

However, there is scientific evidence that humans are causing climate change.

Do a Google search to see differing views.

What are the effects of climate change?

The Earth's temperature will keep rising. This will cause more heatwaves, longer

droughts, more storms, stronger cyclones, higher sea levels and less usable water all over the world.

(Black Saturday/Victorian bushfires, Cyclone Larry, Hurricane Katrina, severe hailstorms in Melbourne, winter heatwaves)

Also affecting our wildlife, native plants and eco-systems and natural wonders

What are the effects of climate change?

Argentina's Upsala Glacier

Retrieved from gallery/05/sci _nat_how_the_ world_is_ changing/html/1.stm

Predictions ........

Best estimates are that by 2030 Australia will face:

a further 1ºC of warming in temperatures up to 20% more months of drought up to 25% increase in days of very high or

extreme fire danger increases in storm surges and severe weather


Retrieved from

What can we do?

Recycle – not only our rubbish, but also our toys, books and clothing

Save energy – turn off power Conserve water resources Don’t use the car – take public transport,

walk or ride a bicycle Plant a tree

Share your ideas

What else can we do to help our planet?

Click icon to add picture

Further information

More information can be found at the following websites: site has links to climate change

blogs. Have a read of them and maybe

post a comment.

Federal government website

Further information

