Climate change and zones


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Climate Change and ZonesClimate Change and Zones

By: Amin, Rawnaq, Faisal, Haris

What is Climate?

Climate is something you expect to get. It basically describes what the type of weather you can have, from the data gathered from the past years.

Climate Zones

Canada has 7 different climate zones Arctic, Subarctic, Boreal, Prairie, Temperate,

Oceanic, and Mountain

Zones depend on different conditions bodies of water altitude and latitude


Latitude are imaginary horizontal lines going north and south, the middle is the equator

latitude/longitude affect different climate areas called climate zones

Latitude lines determine some areas climate/weather

How does climate change affect our lives?

In warm weather people don't wear layers, they dress in t-shirts and shorts

People prefer to go outside in the summer and have fun

Going swimming or play outdoor sports

Global warming and Climate Change Global warming is causing rapid Climate

change to occur More extreme weather conditions have been

coming Global warming causing some regions to

increase there usual temperatures.

Causes of Climate Change

The main causes for climate change are variations in solar radiation, deviations in the Earth's orbit, mountain-building and continental drift, and changes in greenhouse gas concentrations. Some parts of the climate system, such as the oceans and ice caps, respond slowly to climate forcing because of their mass. Therefore, the climate system would take centuries to respond to new external forcing.

Distance from the equator

Distance from the equator shows makes it colder, the closer you are too the equator the better

The equator is the middle line of latitude

Pros of Climate ChangeThe Longer Growing Season

If the climate is warm it means there's a longer growing season. It can help the earth as our population grows, so more than one plants and

vegetables can be possible in one longer season.

More Healthier Plants

If the Ozone Layer get thinner then there will be more carbon dioxide. Since plants breath in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. It will help the plants to be more healthier and humans.

The Warmer Weather

If warmer weather are longer. Then less fuel will be used to heat to heat homes. So if less fuel is used, it means less harmful chemicals in the atmosphere.

Cons of Climate ChangePlants ruined by high temperatures.

Some plants can be damaged from higher temperatures. Many kinds of plant need cold temperatures for a while to be able to grow.Since some vegetables or plants need a little bit of lower temperatures.

Damaged Ozone Layer

If there is too much carbon dioxide then the ozone layer is ruined. The ozone layer protects us from dangerous solar radiation. Humans need the sunlight but too much can cause skin cancer.

Polar Melting

As climate change happens so does warmer climates. This will cause the polar ice caps to melt. More of the earth will be covered in water. Which is a really bad issue for our growing population.


