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A colon has three main functions. It follows a main/independent clause and precedes (goes before):

a list

before a clause to explain a previous statement

a quotation.


• A colon is used to introduce a list.Examples:

Teachers expect you to bring basic supplies to class: a pencil case with pens and pencils, a folder with paper and the textbook.

I received some great gifts for my birthday: a watch, sunglasses, clothes and a bike.


• A colon is used before a clause to explain a previous statement. The first part of the sentences will be an independent clause (it can stand alone as a sentence) and the clause following the colon adds additional or more specific information. This will usually be a dependent clause (it could not be a sentence on its own).


That book is highly recommended: the characters are well-developed, the themes are important and the plot is engaging.


• A colon is sometimes used before a quotation. Use a colon if the quotation has been formally introduced, if you are quoting a full sentence, or if the quotation is longer than one sentence.


Kim Kardashian said: ‘People don’t understand the pressure on me to look perfect.’
