Community Capacity Enhancement; Lessons from Community Counseling



Lessons from community counseling to CCE-CC. Success factors for CCE-CC.

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Community Capacity Enhancement: Fundamentals of Community Conversation. Lessons from Community Counseling 1988-2000

Africcess officeMacDonald Chaava.

February, 2014


Success of community capacity enhancement is a multivariate idea. It includes transformation of

communities, organizations, of facilitators, leaders, families, and individuals within targeted communities

and beyond.

2/4/2014From Community Counseling to CCE-CC

Getting ready

○ Prepare the organizations

○ Enroll leaders

○ Receive the invitation to community

○ Develop your Home Team

2/4/2014From Community Counseling to CCE-CC


○ Draw a map of the area to be covered

○ List the organizations in that area

○ Map of coverage area of each organization named

○ Goals of each organization listed

○ Organization ways of working

2/4/2014From Community Counseling to CCE-CC


○ Identify the community

○ List key leaders in community

○ Visit key leaders individually

○ Discuss the entire concept with each: why and how

○ Answer questions

○ Invite leaders to a group meeting of leaders only

○ Set a date and time

2/4/2014From Community Counseling to CCE-CC


At leaders’ meeting:

○Let leaders self-invite to future conversations

○Create a critical mass of leaders

○Set a date and time for first community conversation

Community conversation is not a training!

Once started, conversations must go on

Commit your team (home team) to follow-up

2/4/2014From Community Counseling to CCE-CC

Building the “Home” Team

○ Two or more trained facilitators lead a community conversation

○ One leader, one documenter

○ Plan together

○ Work as a team during meetings

○ Carry out reflections as a home team

○ Debrief with community leaders after each meeting

○ Help community build on successes

2/4/2014From Community Counseling to CCE-CC

Sustenance strategy

○ Maintain Dynamism of relationships

○ Cashing in social capital

○ Search and maximize Interconnectedness

2/4/2014From Community Counseling to CCE-CC


○ Link leaders, facilitators, community members

○ Transfer of capital through relationships

○ Expansion of vision through relationships

○ Trust as key to igniting interest

○ Faith in the process as fuel to keep conversations

2/4/2014From Community Counseling to CCE-CC

Social capital

○ Save, invest, and accumulate social capital

○ Provide and listen for feedback

○ Keep looking for interconnectedness

2/4/2014From Community Counseling to CCE-CC

Measuring success

Quantitative and qualitative measures

○Number of facilitators trained

○Quality of training

○Stories of change

○Narratives of hope

○CCE-CC Way of life

2/4/2014From Community Counseling to CCE-CC


2/4/2014From Community Counseling to CCE-CC

Picture on Cover page taken by Cramwell Mweemba. Chikankata.

OVC committee members having serious reflections on issues affecting orphans, using

CCE-CC methodology 
