Concurrent Audit in the CBS environment - For CAs and CA Articleship Students


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Concurrent Audit under a

CBS environment


Concurrent Audit

Continuous Audit

12 Months

Business ProfileBusiness Processes

Underlying levels of


Internal Controls present in CBS and how

they work

Be a Friendly Critic !!!

Why IT Controls are required to be considered?

Banking without IT = Non Existent


No IT Controls = High Fraud and Error


Bank Audit without Consideration to IT

Controls = High Audit Risk

Efficient Bank Audit = Routine Audit +

Consideration to IT Controls

Getting comfortable with the CBS is

extremely important

Know the CBS and then

perform the Audit

CORE Banking Solution

CORE = Centralised Online Realtime Electronic Banking

Integration of all branches

Data of any branch can be accessed if access rights are


Risk Assessment and Audit Planning

SA 315 – Identifying and Assessing the risk of

Material Mis-statements through

understanding the Entity and it’s


Obtain impact on

Auditor’s procedures for obtaining sufficient

understanding of the accounting and internal

control systems

Evaluation of inherent risks and control risk to

assess audit risk

Design and perform tests appropriate to meet audit


Basically, the point is, SA 315 SA 330

What can the CBS do?

Transactions get completed in real time

Multiple delivery Channels – Net Banking,

ATM, Mobile Banking, SMS and Telephone

Banking, Social Media Banking

Automated computations – Interest, Fees,

Charges, Margins, NPA, Provisioning

Automation of significant work flows,

transaction limits and chart of accounts

Centralised software implementing and

governing, Branch operational controls

Control through access management, alerts,

approvals, escalations, views, reports and

Audit Trail

What must YOU know?

Features of CBS that you need to know that will help

you with your Audit

Key commands or menu options of


Audit module

Audit trail

Standing data and parameters

How parameter configuration is controlled

Reports that are available in CBS and how can you

extract it to TXT or CSV or XLS format

Filtering report columns relevant to your audit logic

Use of Excel, Macros and Scripts

How can you understand?

User guides available online for various CBS

Interacting with employees

Obtaining a list of custom reports that are developed

for the bank

Obtaining the in-house developed macros or scripts if

any that is being used by the bank branches

Observing the work of the employees

Google or Bing

Some other basic checks

Computer Security at workstations and ATMs

Operating System


Using Excel as a Tool to analyse

complex reports


Thank You Bharath Rao

+91 88922 29220 |

