Construct 2 Blend mode



介紹Construct 2 Blend mode特效

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Dept. of Electronics Engineering

Construct 2 Blend mode電子工程系電腦遊戲設計組




當圖片物件有重疊時,上層圖片物件的Effects/Blend mode屬性決定上層圖片 (稱為source image) 與底層圖片 (稱為destination image) 的合成效果

Wu, ShyiShiou2

source image(設定Blend mode)

destination image

Blend mode設定值 1/11

Normal (source image覆蓋destination image上面)

Default. Displays the source image over the destination image

Wu, ShyiShiou3

Blend mode設定值 2/11

Additive (將重疊部份混色)

Displays the source image + the destination image

Wu, ShyiShiou4

Blend mode設定值 3/11

XOR (將重疊部份剔除)

Only the difference part of the source image and the destination image is shown (必須禁用WebGL)

Wu, ShyiShiou5

Blend mode設定值 4/11

Copy (只顯示source image)

Displays the source image. The destination image is ignored

Wu, ShyiShiou6

Blend mode設定值 5/11

Destination over (將destination image疊在source image上)

Displays the destination image over the source image

Wu, ShyiShiou7

Blend mode設定值 6/11

Source in (只顯示在source image中與destination image重疊部份)

Only the part of the source image that is INSIDE the destination image is shown, and the destination image is transparent

Wu, ShyiShiou8

Blend mode設定值 7/11

Destination in (只顯示在destination image中與source image重疊部份)

Only the part of the destination image that is INSIDE the source image is shown, and the source image is transparent

Wu, ShyiShiou9

Blend mode設定值 8/11

Source out (只顯示在source image中與destination image不重疊部份)

Only the part of the source image that is OUTSIDE the destination image is shown, and the destination image is transparent

Wu, ShyiShiou10

Blend mode設定值 9/11

Destination out (只顯示在destination image中與source image不重疊部份)

Only the part of the destination image that is OUTSIDE the source image is shown, and the source image is transparent

Wu, ShyiShiou11

Blend mode設定值 10/11

Source atop (顯示destination image,以及source image在destination image中的部份)

Displays the source image on top of the destination image. The part of the source image that is outside the destination image is not shown

Wu, ShyiShiou12

Blend mode設定值 11/11

Destination atop (顯示source image,以及destination image在source image中的部份)

Displays the destination image on top of the source image. The part of the destination image that is outside the source image is not shown

Wu, ShyiShiou13
