Creating and Posting on Blogger



Instructions for how to create a blogger account, create a new blog, and start posting on your blog.

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Create a BlogBe a BloggerFollow these steps to create your blog and your first blog post for English 103

Defining terms

1 - Blogger: a free service, owned by google, that will help you create, publish, and manage a blog website.

2 - Blog: a website that people use to publish short writing pieces, images, and videos.

3 - Post: a kind of short writing piece that is published on blogs, organized in chronological order, and updated regularly.

4 - Page: a stable, semi-permanent, webpage that are typically used to publish information that is relatively stable.

1 - Sign into

Use your google account (gmail) to log into blogger.

2 - Choose to connect with google+ or not.

You will have two options: google profile (which will connect to google plus) or blogger profile (which is more anonymous). Pick whichever one you prefer.

That will automatically create your blogger account. Now you can create your own blog site.

3 - Create a new blog

Click "New Blog". That will open a window in which you will give your blog a title, tag line, web address, and template.

Check out the next slides for tips.

3 - Create a new blog

Note: This is public and for school. Give your blog a professional title and address.

3 - Create a new blog

Note: Put your name somewhere on your blog. Either in the title, tagline, or later in the "About Me" section.

3 - Create a new blog

Note: you can change the template later.

3 - Create a new blog

Click "Create New Blog"

That's it. You now have your very own blog!

4 - Click the title of the blog to add content and edit.

Here is a sample blog I made for my cat. His name is Ringo.

Here is the dashboard of your blog

The dashboard is where you go to publish posts, edit the blog design, and add any other content you want.

Here are the parts of your dashboard

Click here to create a new post (which you will have to do each class day)

Here are the parts of your dashboard

Click here to view your blog

Here are the parts of your dashboard

Click to view a list of all your posts

Here are the parts of your dashboard

Click on Layout and Template to edit the design of your blog.

Creating a Blog PostNow you're ready to publish your first blog post. You will have to do this each day for your participation in class.

1 - Click on "Create New Post".

Click here to create new post.

Here is the edit window for a new post.

Here is the edit window for a new post.

Add a title here.

Here is the edit window for a new post.

You can write your blog post here, or you can write it in a MS Word document then copy the content here.

Here is the edit window for a new post.

You have all of the usual editing options here.

Here is the edit window for a new post.

You can play with other design and publishing options here.

Here is the edit window for a new post.

Always hit Save and Publish when you are done.

Save will save your work but leave it as a draft.

Publish will publish your post on your blog so that I can read it.

Congrats! You have a blog and a post. Easy as pie.
