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2. Practice of preserving human bodies in extremely cold temperaturesCooling people immediately after death to the point where molecular physical decay completely stopsPatient held in such a state issaid to be in 'cryonic suspension 3. Cryonics is justified by three facts thatare not well known: Life can be stopped and restarted if its basic structure is preserved.Vitrification (not freezing) can preserve biological structure very well.Methods for repairing structure at the molecular level can now be foreseen. 4. The first person to be cryogenically frozen was a 73-year-old psychologist, Dr. James Bedford, wh-o was suspended in 1967.In early 2004, Alcor had more than 650 members and 59 patients in cryopreservation.The most famous of them is baseball legend Ted Williams . 5. After a patient is declared biologically dead, Blood circulation is maintained. 6. patient is injected with medicine to minimize problems with frozen tissueblood is replaced with cryoprotectants to reduce ice formation 7. The patient is placed incold silicone oil, chilling the body to -79C Moved to an Al pod,cooled to -196 C in liquid nitrogen. Chemicals to activate thecells of the body are applied. Placed in storage vessels upside down. 8. Preservation of the brain of a cryonics patientGoal is to restore the patient to health by regrowing a new body around the brain using future tissue regeneration technology.Neuropreservation is less expensive & the quality of brain preservationis better than whole body preservation. 9. Nanotechnology is a technology which uses atoms to create a desired productNanorobots could be easily injected into the bloodstream, they would then float through our circulatory system to locate & fix problem areas of our body. 10. Nanobots will fully emerge after several generations of partly-biological nanobot forerunners have been constructed in order to make them.Adapted machine version of bacteria.Silicon might make the ideal material for its constructiona fine film of radioactive particles can be adhered to the nanobots body as energy source 11. Revival requires repairing damage from lack of oxygen, cryoprotectant toxicity, thermal stress , freezing in tissues .Survival depends on whether preserved brain information is sufficient to permit restoration of all or part of the personal identity.Pre-Repair Operations: The first step in low temperature repair is to clear out the circulatory system.Logistics System InstallationFracture stabilisation : By the synthesis of artificial surfaces.Tissue Chemistry Restoration : Denatured protiens are spontaneously recovered 12. Mind transfer: Hypothetical transfer of a human mind to an artificial substrate.Programming cells to grow a new body: Programming cells on the brain to regenerate a newbody around the repaired brain. Nanotechnology 13. Critics say companies that perform cryonics are simply bilking people out of their money with the promise of an immortality they cannot deliver. Some cryobiologists predict that the first cryonic revival might occur somewhere around the year 2040. 14. Critics say companies that perform cryonics are simply bilking people out of their money with the promise of an immortality they cannot deliver. Some cryobiologists predict that the first cryonic revival might occur somewhere around the year 2040. 15. KRITI DANG&JYOTI YADAV