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1. 6,9,12,4,14,7,5,8,11 First number ? Second number ? Middle number ? 6,9,12,4,14,7,5,8,11 2. Rainbow picture 3. CTT Creative Training Technique Robert Pike 4. What is CTT Accelerate training Retention Application Result 5. Some Foundation Principles Law 1. Adults are like babies with big bodies Tapping the experience of 18-20 yrs 6. Law 2:People Dont Argue With Their Own Data Experience Eg. Leadership 7. Law 3: Learning is Directly Proportional to the Amount of Fun You Have F L 8. Learning has not taken place until behaviour has changed 9. Law 5. Fu Yu, Wu Yu, Wzu Tu Yu 10. Instructor-Led, participant Centered Training 11. Start on time; end on time 12. Try to maintain your role as a facilitator 13. Avoid the boss image 14. Learn the names of your students 15. Encourage the participants to mix 16. Debate Will smartphones/tablets replace completely the PC market 17. Make individuals problems the groups problems Why individuals should not be questioned? 18. Dont engage in debate Attaching personal emotions/ego haunts 19. Be the first one there and last one to leave 20. Enthusiastic, cheerful, positive and considerate 21. Ways to squelch motivation 1. Have Little Personal Contact 22. 2. Get Participants in a Passive Mood and Keep Them There 23. 3. Assume the class will apply what is taught 24. 4. Be quick to Criticize 25. 5. Make participant feel stupid for asking questions in class 26. 120/20/8 Rule Chunk the content into 20 minute segments involvement Retention Understanding 120 minutes 8 minutes 20 minutes 27. Utilize CPR Concept Revisit Participation 20 Content 28. 421 0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 Laws of Learning 29. The law of the teacher The teacher must know what is being taught 30. The law of the learner The learner must attend with interest to the material being presented 31. The law of the language The language must be common to both teacher and learner 32. The law of the lesson Truth or content must be learned 33. The law of review and application 34. The law of the teaching process The process must excite the learner 35. Remove Box Next Slide 36. How to Motivate Participants 37. Create a Need WIIFM-What is In It For Me 38. Develop a sense of personal responsibility i) What expectations they have ii) What outcomes they expect iii) What they are willing to do to achieve those results 39. Create and Maintain Interest 40. 40 + dynamic ways 41. 1. Report 2. Case Histories 3. Debate 4. Lecture 5. Maps 6. Storytelling 7. Symposium and Forums 8. Testimonies 9. Press Conference 10. Memorization 11. Models 12. Conversation 13. Slides 14. Buzz Groups 15. Funnel Graphs 16. Quiz 17. Q & A 18. Field Trips 19. Review 20. Role-playing 21. Skits 22. Q&A 23. Object/Object lessons 24. Overhead Transparencies 25. Films/Videos 26. Chalkboards/Whiteboard 27. Chart 28. Games 29. Interview 30. Brain storming 31. Panels 32. Picture Studies 33. Problem Solving 34. Demonstration 35. Discussion 36. Projects 37. Laboratory 38. Buzz Groups 39. Funnel Graphs 40. Quiz 41. News articles 42. 1. The first technique? 2. The last technique? 3. The technique in yellow colour? 4. The technique in red colour? 43. Give Praise, Recognition, Encouragement, and Approval 44. Get excited yourself 45. Establish the long range objectives 46. Intensify interpersonal relationships 47. Every person is going to be tuned to two radio stations 1. WII-FM Whats In It For Me? 2. MMFI-AM Make Me Feel Important About Myself 48. 6,9,12,4,14,7,5,8,11 First number ? Second number ? Middle number ? 6,9,12,4,14,7,5,8,11 49. People will remember beginnings and endings . We need to have more compelling beginnings and endings and find a way to reinforce the middle 50. 7 Keys for powerful presentation 51. Primacy Remembering first things best. So make it most impressive and memorable 1 52. Recency Remembering last things next best 2 53. Chunking We remember best when presented with small chunks of information 3 54. -------/-------/-------- Rule Which are they? 120 20 8 55. Linking 4 Linking with any information to information we have already learned 56. Record and Recall 5 People remember better when they write things down themselves 57. Review and Revisit 6 To make information from short term memory to long term memory 58. Outstandingness 7 If you want people to store information, make it stand out. 59. PRIMACY RECENCY CHUNKING LINKING RECORD & RECALL REVIEW/ REVISIT OUTSTANDING 60. R PRIMACY RECENCY CHUNKING LINKING n R RECORD & RECALL 6 REVIEW/ REVISIT OUTSTANDING 61. Visual Aids 62. Films/Videos Watch this 63. Which are the two hotels the actor referred to? Ambady and Kailas 64. To attract and maintain attention 65. To reinforce main ideas 66. To support the spoken word 67. To minimize misunderstanding 68. To increase retention 69. To add a touch of realism 70. To save time 71. To ensure covering key points 72. To build confidence in yourself 73. ***Any activity 74. Tips for Effective Openings 75. Open with energy and enthusiasm 76. Dont apologize 77. Make eye contact 78. Be others oriented People will appreciate and respect you if you make a sincere, honest effort to benefit them 79. Give the audience an overview Remember to tell what you are going to tell them 80. Be open 81. Be aware of your appearance Clothing, Gestures, Facial expressions, Posture, Body movement 82. Be aware of your voice Tone, Pronunciation, Pace, Word choice 83. Maintain audience contact 84. 4210011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 Tips for Communicating Ideas Effectively 85. Present single ideas Dont throw too many ideas at your audience at one time 86. Be specific Communicate as accurately as possible. 87. Respond to emotions Encourage people to share not only their thoughts but also their feelings 88. Memorize the words 89. 22 Deadly Sins of a Trainer 90. Appearing Unprepared 91. Starting Late 92. Apologizing 93. Unfamiliar with knowable information 94. Audio visuals 95. Seeming to be off schedule 96. Not involving the participants 97. Not establishing personal rapport 98. Ending Late 99. Appearing disorganized 100. Not establishing a positive image 101. Not covering the objectives promised 102. Not scheduling enough breaks 103. Practicing bad habits 104. Not checking the environment 105. Not updating material 106. Not admitting mistakes 107. Using inappropriate humour 108. Using inappropriate language 109. Coming on as an expert, a know it all 110. Using poor grammar, punctuation, enunciation