Cuba by Julalak Taweesak 55030063


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CUBA Julalak Taweesak

ID: 55030063 Section1English for Communication

Geography National Costume

Cuisine Tourist Attraction


Havana• The capital city of Cuba• The largest city of Cuba• A commercial and industrial center

National Cuban Costume

Male: Guayabera shirt

Has two groups of closelyspaced pleats

Female: Guayabera dress

Was developed along with the shirt

Cuban Traditional Wedding Dress

• made of silk or satin and includes full skirts and ruffles

• the guests pins money on the bride’s dress



• Has been influenced by Spain and Africa• Share spices and techniques with Spanish and African cooking

4 Cuban dishes

Ropa Vieja Platillo Moros y Cristianos

Croquetas Cuban sandwich

Tourist Attraction

Old Havana

The Vinales Valley

The Che Guevara


Geography• Location• Capital city

National Costume• Guayaberas• Wedding dress

Cuisine• 4 popular dishes

Tourist Attraction• 3 interesting places

