Divorce Parenting Class




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Divorce Parenting Class

Divorce Parenting Class

The rate of divorce is increasing at an alarming pace as the level of tolerance and patience among people is seriously deteriorating. Even petty issues are leading towards divorce or legal separation. Though, divorce has become a fairly common occurrence, the children involved in the case gets seriously impacted.

Divorce Parenting Class

It is quite easy to sign or fill documents requesting for a divorce but for the children, their entire life changes. The divorcing couples with children are instructed by the courts to attend divorce parenting class that helps them to ensure that no undue psychological harm comes to the children.

The court takes proactive steps to ensure that the interests of the kids involved are not lost among constantly fighting and bickering children. The judge makes it compulsory for the couples to attend these classes before divorce parenting class is granted to them.

Program: Children in Between Awards & Distinctions

Divorce Parenting Class

In the Beginning -- Identifying Key Risk Factors:

The judge makes it compulsory for the couples to attend these classes before divorce is granted to them.with their children, Usually, parents avoid attending these classes and as such at many places, courts have made it mandatory for them to attend these classes. There was a time, when such classes offered programs that were designed to help parents

Don Gordon is a Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Divorce Education. Dr. Gordon is a 40+ year clinical psychologist and researcher with an area of expertise targeting the reduction and prevention of juvenile delinquency.

When a couple is fighting for a divorce, most commonly they lose sight of the interests of their children and these classes is the way court reminds them about their responsibility towards their kids. This purpose is fulfilled by making sure that the parents are informed about the consequences that may have to be suffered

At CDE we collaborate with many experts in the field of psychology.

Parents learn about various impacts on the young, impressionable minds of their children if they are undergoing divorce. All of a sudden, the children have to face a broken home where they are going to live with only one parent while another one appearing in their life once in a while.

This is a sort of education that is thrust upon by the court on the erring parents. Marital dissolution is granted by the court only when the judge knows that the spouses have attended these parenting classes.

Whatever is learned in the class have a lot of impact on the relationships. It is noticed that the spouses have lesser disagreements and are more amenable to cooperate with each other.

Parents who fail to notice the severity and seriousness of the issue are often considered as perjury and penalty is levied on them. If the parents are caught lying, they may be sent to the jail. The spouses are also required to sign a document where they swear that they will get enrolled in the parenting class and complete the course. The major focus of these classes is on the alienation of the parents. Many times, parents do not even realize that they are belittling each other and passing negative remarks on each other in their kids’ presence.

Divorce Parenting Class

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Email: info@divorce-education.com

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Is it mandatory to attend Court Divorce Classes!
