Draft Preliminary Task Improvements


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Draft Preliminary Task Improvements

Session Plan


I tried to improve a bit of everything by taking out breaths in between the presenters and the comedian’s speech. I then altered and positioned the separate recordings and sounds and inserted a sound clip at the end of the radio interview to make it sound more interesting. So, it starts off with the jingle (introducing the

radio station) and ends with the jingle too (without the voice over).

In the next lesson all the groups in the media class played their current radio clips whether it was completed or not, then each group received feedback from all the

groups; it was either positive feedback or required improvements.


I knew what I had to do to improve the final version of the radio show; this is because I received feedback from my media class. In the studio I concentrated on

the sound effects of the archive clip and how I could make it sound like it was recorded in a theatre. I then added a delayed echo onto the joke and mix pasted

canned laughter and applause onto the end.


I worked on the jingle and recorded Kieron saying 99.7FM to go after Oldham Community Radio, and then put it into position; I had to make sure I added this

part into the jingle because this information won’t be given out by the presenter. This is also beneficial so that people know the channel as well as the name of the

radio station.


I revised the script with the group over and over again to see which part of the interview I could take out; this is because the radio must be between 30 to 40

seconds long and our radio show lasted for 57 seconds. I took out repeated words in the interview and some of the back story which was not so important and ended

up with a 39 second show.