Drawing 1 Term 4


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Wesley GuerreroDrawing 1

Period 3 Fitzsimmons

Term 4

First Drawing

2 Point Perspective






Observational Drawings And Zentangels

2 Point Perspective

Print Plate Layout Drawing


Side View

Front View

Self Portrait

Layout Drawing

Self Portrait In Clay

Critique – Self Portrait

• My self portrait was probably my favorite piece in clay. I definitely enjoyed it the most. While working with the clay my biggest problem was working with the texture. It was difficult to get the right texture in certain places. I wanted to put a lot of texture into the background and portrait but I did not want it in the frame surrounding the image. It was difficult because the textures would often change while I was working on another part. I had to continually work on different parts and make sure that I did not mess any other part up.

• Another part that I would work on would be the proportions of the face, I believe that it was well shaped but I think that the parts could have been made to fit better. In addition, the portrait looks similar to me, enough for people to realize that it is a self portrait, but some of the details could have been adjusted to look more like me. I would spend a little more time thinking about what needed to be fixed next time I make a portrait.

Still-Life Drawing

Critique – Still Life

• The still life is also one of my favorite pieces but is second to my portrait. I enjoyed the still life unit from creating the still life using the objects we had to the end product.

• Something I might change in the future would be the attention to the distance the objects were from each other. Some of the objects are too far or too close to each other than where they actually were. Some of the leaves were out of place when working on the still life and ended up in different parts on the picture.

• I would also have liked to put have worked in pastels on this unit but I had worked too detailed.

• I am still currently working on this piece and other pieces related to it. I would still like to work in pastels and create tiles of the still life over the summer.

Final Reflection

• My most challenging unit was the print-making unit. It was a difficult to control the tools and make the right marks, But I eventually got better at it.

• My most successful project was the self portrait because I recognized the media and spent the most time on it.

• The first drawing and the last still life drawing are very different. I liked drawing from life rather than imagination. it helped using real objects and pictures.

• I enjoyed the class very much. it definitely is different than some of the other art classes I have taken. It was a new challenge working in medias other than clay and in 2 dimensional art.
