Effect of technology on environment




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Smt. C.B. NIRMALA Dy. Educational Officer

Nampally Mandal


Humans are more reliant on machines to do simple activities,

Such as changing the channel or travelling.

In today’s world,

humans are in a very

relaxed cycle : they

eat, they watch

television, they sleep.

Most people do not

realize the health

risks they are taking

everyday when they

do their daily tasks.

The air in cities was so full of smoke. This leads to poor air quality.

Technology does make


uncomplicated, and

genuinely makes life

easier. But people are

at great risk to their

health with the

advancements in


The agricultural system brought on a revolution.

The need for employees brought mechanical robots into society.

Not only have

individuals fabricated

new ways of

entertainment, but

have built factories,

which pollute the air

they breathe and

water they drink.

The development of many modern machines led to air pollution.

The needs for transportation brought vehicles into the market.

Advancements in

technology also

brought the finer

things in life, making

it necessary for man

to accelerate his

economic growth.

Battles over land brought on the need for sophisticated weapons.

Humans can cope with their physical environment.

Technology was used to speed up

production and manufacture of goods

To provide better transport and

delivering as well as make the methods of communication not only faster but also,

far reaching.

People are always wanting a better lifestyle

Therefore there is always something new arising.

Trade and Commerce

flourished faster rates

due to technological

advancements and

brought about


As trade and

commerce grew,

the more it

heightened the

impact of

technology on



wherein air, land

and water reached

Certain degrees of


degradation and


Oil spills such as the Exxon Valdez, result

in the death of aquatic wildlife. The oil

coats the animals bodies and smothers

them. The oil is particularly dangerous

to birds, because if the oil gets into the

birds feathers, the birds can possibly die

of hypothermia.

Sea otters ability to stay warm depends

on how clean their fur is. When they are

coated in oil, this inhibits their ability to

stay warm. Not only are organisms

affected by oil coating their bodies, but

also by the toxic chemicals contained in


The toxic chemicals can be ingested by

the animals and the animals can become

poisoned. The animals affected the most

by oil spills like the Exxon Valdez are

animals that are found on the sea

surface or on the shore, such as birds

and sea otters.

Important laws related :
