Email Marketing Workshop Don Farrell Circulator


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Email Marketing Industry overview & trends

Presented By: Don Farrell – MD Circulator

Email marketing will generate an ROI of $48 for every dollar spent on it this year, outperforming all other direct marketing channels .

(DMA Oct 18 2008)

Email Marketing Stats - 2009

Total Revenue Generated $500bn

Microsoft x 4

97% of all Internet users use email . If it was a country, its 1.4 billion users would make it the largest country

But as a marketing medium?

Sharing of information (viral)

78% of people email their friends links to information they wish to share

22% share through social media

Email delivers one of the lowest costs per order. Email's ROI index is 70 % higher than any other direct-response marketing vehicle - DMA, 2008

Email Marketing Stats

What Medium can’t you give up?

Email and text messaging (both 26%) are the activities “least likely to be given up for a week"

25% of US internet users report using social networks more often over the past 6 months

23% of US internet users report using email more often over the past 6 months

21% of US internet users report using text messaging more often over the past 6 months

Growth Trends: Social Networking v Email v SMS

75% of online consumers prefer to receive promotional messages via email

Followed by 17% who prefer direct mail promotions – down 8.6%

More than half of online consumers have made a purchase as the direct result of an email more than any other online communication channel

Change in Consumers preferred channel 2008 – 2009

Customer Re-lationships

Generating New Leads

Brand Awareness

Direct Online Sales



95% 83% 82%57%



What have Irish Marketers used email for ?

A 2009 survey of top Irish marketers found 79% rating email marketing as important or very important to their marketing strategy

Future of the medium ?


34% of marketers believe email will become more effective over the next two years

Why ?

74% believe the content is getting more relevant

58% see email as an integral part of their multichannel activities

44% believe customers prefer email as a marketing channel


Spam – we all hate spam ! Thankfully spam filters & firewalls are getting better

>Inbox Overload

Ireland – 2009 – Average open rates

17% of Irish Marketers are seeing open rates of over 51%

Q – what factors influence open rates ? A – Subject Line, Timing, Frequency & quality of previous campaigns

Email Examples - The Good


Main CTA is well positioned and is HTML (people can see / click it even if they don’t download the images)

Clear and well defined supporting cta’s ( also in HTML)

Full Company Details and Opt Out

Email Examples - The Bad & The Ugly ..

Image downloading - Get a good mix of images & html

Images Downloaded Images Not Downloaded


Business 62%Hotmail 14%Gmail 8%Yahoo 8%

Emails sent via Circulator (Ireland 07 - 09)

What email clients do people use ? Email sent to 27k European Business Addresses – Sector Energy - Feb 09

A recent campaign to an ‘Online Marketing’ audience - 10% opened it on an iPhone

Integrate email & mobile marketing

European mobile internet penetration is growing significantly, from 13% in 2008 to 39% in 2014

42% of 18– 34 year olds, and 33% of 35-44-year olds, say they are interested in receiving marketing messages on their phones

‘Text’ your email address to 51xxx to:

Enter & Win Get more info Be added to the list

Testing increases ROI – The Process





Why Test ?

Testers achieve 68% higher return

Small changes can make a big difference

Good news - most marketers don’t


Multi Tier Viral Campaign - person who subscribes the most friends wins €1000

Multi Tier Viral Campaign

Multi Tier Viral Campaign

Increasing brand awareness & database

Integrate Email with the other smart stuff

Integrate with Google Analytics and track what happened after the subscriber clicked through to your site. Real ROI Measurement

Questions & Answers

Text ‘circulator’ followed by your ‘email address’ to 51444

