English: Comparatives: Hanoi vs Saigon


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QUESTIONS1. Can you name some differences between Hanoi & HCMC?

2. Which location is more interesting for tourists?

3. What are some special foods from Hanoi & HCMC?

As Hanoi and Saigon are constantly compared to one another, graphic designer, Nhat Le, created this illustration book, The Difference Between Hanoi and Saigon.

Look at each illustration, and make a sentence describing the difference between the two cities.

TRY TO USE COMPARATIVES in your Sentences….

For example:

“The streets in Saigon are bigger than the streets in Hanoi.”

“The weather in Hanoi is colder than the weather in Saigon.”

Hanoi prefers eating food at breakfast M_______Than Saigon.

Saigon prefers drinking C_________er Coffee than Hanoi.

Saigon usually has a B______________ space to each Pho. Hanoi has a S___________ space.

Vendors in Hanoi carry H______________ baskets than vendors in Saigon.

In Saigon, the food is S______ & S__________ than in Hanoi.

In Saigon, Police wear St______________ helmets than in Hanoi

In Hanoi, people wake up e_____________ than in Saigon

People move f____________ in Saigon than in Hanoi.

The rain is H_____________ in Hanoi.

Weddings start l________________ in Saigon

The people of Saigon stay out L____________than people in Hanoi.

Bosses act more P______________ in Hanoi.

People dress more _______________ in Hanoi than in Saigon.

At dinner time, People are q___________ when they eat than in Hanoi.

The traffic in Hanoi is as ______________ as traffic in Saigon.

People in Saigon are more d___________ than people in Hanoi

Style in Saigon is more _______________ than in Hanoi.

Taxis in Saigon are usually b____________ than taxis in Hanoi
