Erasmusplus project UNDER THE SAME SKY


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Cinderella nevercomplains Cinderella is kind

The stepmother and the stepsisters abuse on her, but……

A fairy helps herBecomes beautiful and elegant

Goes to the dance, where shemeets the prince e and liveshappily ever after

A prince lives in a beautiful castle He does nothing: has a lot of servants

Goes to dances, has tripsand goes to haunt

Looks for the perfectwoman

Cinderella is:BeautifulKindShe doeshousework well

Stepsisters are: bad ugly rude lazy

The princeis:HandsomeGoodKindRich

Let’s look at the characters of the story

I have an idea: we can start saying…..Then……

Good, that’s a beautiful idea! I

like the new story.

Listen to thesegirls! Always

the samespeeches…

Why don’t we talk about a Cinderellawho goes to Erasmus to study?

It’s a good idea!

Fortunately I help him!

I like drawing

I like working with my friend!

I like drawing, beacause in the meantime I can chat

Help! I work with Eleonora. I hope she

doesn’t chat toomuch…


You are right

It makes me laugh

Look! Now I will show you how to do.

Thank you, but I already know.

I am a little bit angry. I wanted to draw with Federico

It is sure! The drawing isprogressing well.

Uff!I want to be a


Those are jobs for men. Go to find a good husband.

I love history and I want to be an archaeologist

I am interestedin the

protection of the sea

Once upon a time there was a girl named Cinderella. She lived with her stepmother and stepsisters. Shegot along with the stepsisters, but not with the stepmother.

In a big villa next to Cinderella’s lived a boy named Alex. His parents wererich because of their hamburger factory. One day they decided to have a party in their house.They wanted their son found a girlfriend, got married and took care about family business.

You have to marry to help your father to


I would like to study to reduce greenhouse gas


Help me and my sisterto go to the rail station!

What’s up Cinderella?

That night the girls pretended to go to the party, but they called the Pumpkin’s Fairy……

The were accompanied to the station and..

I signed up for Erasmus, and I will go to Spain to


I will go to Holland: I want to be a marine biologist.

My sister goes to Turkey and willstudy Archaeology.

I am Gertrude.What’s your name ? Hi, I am Jan!

I come from Slovakia

I come from Poland

Meanwhile Cinderella became better and better, and a lot of students supported her.

Alex was encouraged for the girls’ departure, so he left and went to Poland to study the climate mutations.

I met a lot of interesting people

How is the study


Very well! I got a job atthe Archaeological

Museum in London.

Time passes by and the lifes of our friends change: new thingshappen

Finally Cinderella played in Milan and the show wassuccessful

After the show all the family celebrated Cinderella: she realizedher dream.Gertrude who found her love presented him to her family.

I love Frankie!He‘s Australian:He works at the

Museum with me

The next year Gertrude gotmarried whit Alex.The fought for the defense of the natural environment






Moderna di ieri , ,

We prefer the modern one: it’s accordin to us

We had fun writing it all together

Everyone has his dream became true

Italy is an Europe’s country, thatregulates citizens’ lifes using laws.Laws are made to allow everyone to have equal rights.

The laws are drafted according to theConstitution.

Let’s open the book ……

ART. 3Tutti i cittadini hanno pari dignità sociale e sono eguali davanti alla legge, senza distinzione di sesso, di razza, di lingua, di religione, di opinioni politiche, di condizioni personali e sociali.È compito della Repubblica rimuovere gli ostacoli di ordine economico e sociale, che, limitando di fatto la libertà e l'eguaglianza dei cittadini, impediscono il pieno sviluppo della persona umana e l'effettiva partecipazione di tutti i lavoratori all'organizzazione politica, economica e sociale del Paese.

ART. 4La Repubblica riconosce a tutti i cittadini il diritto al lavoro e promuove le condizioni che rendano effettivo questo diritto.Ogni cittadino ha il dovere di svolgere, secondo le proprie possibilità e la propria scelta, un'attività o una funzione che concorra al progresso materiale o spirituale della società.

If adults help each others and set a good example can bring the children to a future where beingequal won’t be only a word, but a dream that becomes true.

They can help uswith…






I would like it!



I begin to paste the map of the world

We cut the

characters who

will glue on theirhome state

How did you get

serious, Francesca !

I'm too busy!

I love Turkey!

Can you give mean idea?

You can useMy goldcolour!

We are coloring the six

states of the Erasmus program plus

I love color !

I don’t like color instead!

Leader of South Africa.For life this great political leader fought for equality, democracy, freedom of expression of the people.

Spiritual leaderof Argentina , fought for civil rights

in favor of women's emancipation.

Burmese politician, leader of the nonviolent movement for human rights. Nobel Prize for Peace in 1991.

Her work among the victims of the poverty of Calcutta made her one of the most famous people in the world. He received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1979 .

is a student and activist in Pakistan. She is the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize . known for its commitment to the success of the civil rights and the right to education.

leader in the Usa of the nonviolent resistance , hero of the outcast and the marginalized, so that it was shot down all sorts prejudice.

Important spiritual leader of India, Gandhi was one of the pioneers and theorists of resistance to oppression through mass civil disobedience that led India to independence .

Peace isA good thing

love Doesn’t ask

It gives,

The childrenAre all equal

EveryoneCan be friends

Friend ship isA good thing

We’ re all friendsLet’s join hands

Under the samesky

We’re waiting ourpartners from Holland,

Poland, Turkey, Spain,Slovakia.

We’ll work togetherfor a better world!

…for equality,for respect…
