Ethnic, Gender Studies and LGBT History


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Rob Darrow, Ed.D.

Director of Research Safe Schools Project

Santa Cruz County.

Santa Maria Joint Union SD. August 2017

Rob’s Wiki:

Ethnic and Gender Studies:

Everybody has a History.

About LGBT History

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Who am I? Who are you?

What is my identity?

What is your identity?

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

This is a Safe Space

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

My Lens Today

What is our common


What is the intersection

between ethnicity, gender

and LGBT history?

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

What barriers prevent us from

embracing that

common humanity?

Share one or two ideas with someone

near you.

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Many Variables Impact

Student Achievement

Learning styles

Home life


School and school culture


Teachers, Counselors, Administrators


SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Curriculum as a Mirror / Window

Article: Read p. 1-2


Complete document

Group Ahas!

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

A little history:

LGBTQ Terms and Year First Used

L = Lesbian (1732)

G = Gay (1955)

B = Bisexual (1960)

T = Transgender (1990)

Q = Queer / Questioning (1894, 1990)

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

A little history:

History Curriculum in Ca

1998: New Ca History Standards – first state to

adopt such standards. New textbooks.

2010: Common Core Adopted.

2011: Fair Education Act Passed. Added Lesbian,

Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Americans to the

curriculum – especially related to history.

2016: New State History Framework

2017: K-8 History Textbook Adoptions

(State Board vote in Nov. 2017)

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

State History Framework –

11th Grade Themes Romantic Friendships Increase Women’s Rights


Gays in the Military from the Civil War to Don’t

Ask Don’t Tell (1860-2010)

Harlem Renaissance: As Gay as it was Black


The Lavender Scare and the 1950s (1918-2011)

Amendments, Laws and Court Decisions

Expand Equality (1868-2015)

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

State History Framework –

Other Topics

LGBT Rights Movement in the Context of Civil


Native Americans and Two-Spirit People

AIDS Crisis

Changing Demographics in the U.S.

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Why this matters:

A Few Stories

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Frank Kameny

1925 – Born in NY

1941 – Joined Army

1956 – Harvard: Doctorate

in Astronomy

1957 – Hired by U.S. Army

Map Service – Produced

maps for U.S. military

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Frank Kameny

1953: President Eisenhower signs

Executive Order 10450. “Immoral

and sexual perversion were a

security risk” (In place until 1975).

1957: Kameny released from

government service

1960: Files lawsuit. Supreme Court

denies claim. First civil rights claim

based on sexual orientation

1960: Forms Mattachine Society in

Washington DC to advocate for

gay people.

1965: First of many protests at the

White House

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.



1973: Lobbies American Psychological Association to remove gay/lesbian as a disease.

2010: Present at the repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” signed by President Obama

2011: Dies at age 86

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

David Schroer

1959: Born in Chicago

1979: Joins the military Special Forces Commander

Haiti Special Forces Commander

Post 911 Coordinated Secret Counterterrorism Unit in Pentagon

Briefed VP Dick Cheney on secret missions

2004: Retires from Military

2005: Applies for job with Library of Congress. Job Offered.

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Diane Schroer

Shares that she is transitioning to Diane

(Transgender male to female).

Library of Congress rescinds job offer.

2005 – Files employment lawsuit – Title VII

(Schroer v. Billington – Library of Congress)

2008 – U.S. District Court – Discrimination and

$500,000 awarded

Works in Pentagon advising transgender affairs

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Ronin Shimizu

2nd Grade: Joins Cub Scouts

4th Grade: Became a cheerleader – Vista Junior Eagles Cheer Team

Enjoyed art and fashion – made his own clothes

• 2002: Born in Folsom, Ca

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Ronin Shimizu

2008: Began being bullied and taunted with: “gay,” “girly” and “a fag,”

2008-2012: Moved to different schools to escape the bullying

2012: Awoke every day worried about who would pick on him.

2014: Removed from school, placed on Independent Study program

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Ronin Shimizu

2014 (December):

Took his own life (Age 12)

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

LatinX Stories to Learn

Sylvia Rivera and Stonewall, New York

Jose Sarria, League for Civil Education,

San Francisco

Cherrie Moraga, Latina Lesbian Writer

Robert Garcia, Youngest Latin American

mayor in Long Beach

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Social Movements / Social Action

Social Movement timeline

Intersection of gender and ethnicity

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Various Social Movements

Latinx (gender inclusive term)

African American


Civil Rights


Gay and Lesbian


SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Intersectionality Lens

Intersectionality is an important lens that

is used to better understand the lived

experiences of individuals across

identities, both those identities

that hold power in society, as well as

those that

experience marginalization in society

(Warner & Shields, 2013).

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Where is the intersection between

ethnicity, gender and LGBT history?

“I was black before I was a lesbian.”

“As a Latino gay man, I still live in a world where I

seem to be asked to pick one community over

another. It’s time for America to realize that there

is not one type of ‘experience.’ Everyone has their

own history, culture and traditions.”

- Mexican-American lesbian

Human Rights Campaign. At the Intersection: Race, Sexuality and

Gender. 2009.

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Questions to Consider?

Does it matter if a person in history was

male or female?

Does it matter if a person in history was

white, African American or LatinX or


Does it matter if a person in history was

gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender?

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Questions to Consider

Are these groups treated differently?

Marginalized vs. Non-Marginalized?

Are there different levels of privilege?

African American gay male

White straight female

LatinX lesbian female

Asian Transgender female

White straight male

Latinx bisexual male

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

A few thoughts about intersection of

ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation

Gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation

impacts education.

Consider marginalized groups in courses

Asset vs. deficit based thinking strategies

Everyone has an ethnicity and a history.

Include these discussions throughout.

Naming the ethnicity, gender and sexual

orientation of people in history validates the

identity of students in our schools today.

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Curriculum Work Now:

Integrating LGBT



Intersectionality of

ethnicity, gender and

sexual orientation.

SMJUSD. Aug. 2017.

Contact Info

Rob’s Wiki:
