Evaluation Question 2 - Synergy




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Evaluation Question 2:

The Poster

Are the themes and issues visible? I feel that the combination of the title and

picture clearly states the issue of the two characters in the picture are being separated and by the expressions on there faces it isn’t

their decision. You can see that the girl is holding the boy quite firmly and stroking his

hair highlighting that they have a close relationship.

I feel the titles tells a lot, the font is chipped with a huge crack down the middle, in sighting the audience that there is a issue of something

falling apart. The title is mainly shadowed hinting a emotive element.

The black and white background has a sense that the two people are excluded from the

‘happiness’ and isolated in this falling apart world with no one but each other.

Even with the colour on the characters it is still low key, a key convention to realism film

strengthening the idea that this film may be in that category of genre.

The Poster

Does the film fit the genre?

Since doing AS I always felt A2 I would do a social realism film because of the amount of research I had done. Also it is easier to meet the conventions of the genre, untrained actors, low key lighting, low economic environment, etc. Through my poster I feel I have lived up to the conventions to address this film as a social realism film.

The characters in my film and poster fit the bio of two present day siblings from south London which has been seen in realism films such as Fish tank. The lack of make-up(pale), dull colour pallet for costume helps bring this normal feel to the character, nothing eye-catching just ordinary people, also done in Fish tank. Realism films tend cover negative issues and from my poster there are assaults of issues which are conventional but original. Untrained actors are seen in the casting names on the poster. Which is well known to be one of the realism films differences to any other genre. Again the lighting is low key a technical element to convey emotional tension in realism films.

The Poster

Is there any stylistic crossover in the film and poster? My stylistic crossover has to be the lighting in both products. I spent a lot of time manipulating the lighting in the shots and poster, to create this shadowy contrast through out the film and in the poster. As you can see in 2nd photo the shot is bright and doesn’t have any real shape to it. The 3rd photo you can see the dark ratio has been increased to allow more shadows to form naturally, this built up a lot of micro to macro elements as well as make the shot look more intriguing. My poster has the same lighting contrast very dark in places to really outline the object. I wanted this effect as it added to the atmosphere as dull and glum even though it was early evening on a sunny day.

I enhanced the blue sky in the light editor on avid to give this portrayal of hope, the ground being gloomy and dull whilst the sky is full of colour, which also could represent there mother looking down on them.

The Poster


I used quoting seen in a conventional film poster, which commonly said by journalist in newspaper's, the quote compliments the film by using words such as tremendous this is a commonly used strategy called word of mouth, which is used to encourage audiences to take interest as someone just like them has had a positive opinion on it and giving a star rating of 4 out of five helps draw the eyes in. I used a catchy slogan, almost in a

rhythmic flow, with a vague insight to the theme. Which they can link back to the two characters in the poster which would intrigue them.

The use of award nomination promotes it as being a successful film which has been liked enough to win awards.

Does the poster fit the same audience as the film?

I feel the raw details to my poster, very rigid, fits the audiences interests, as social realism films are much more low budgeted and the audience aspect that, they don’t expect over the top posters and effects. It tends to put its trust in the film other than the poster, it just makes a poster to get recognition. I feel it’s intriguing the same audience, as the poster is portraying the same characters and the vague issues which I expect the audience to pick on by the hints and representations as the film which involves the same style but in motion picture. The niche audience I found to be very educated in film, which meant that little details mattered, instead of catching the eye with highly edited pictures and titles I felt that representation of the two characters was high appreciated.

The Review

Does my review inform my audience?

Compared to my poster I feel my review goes a lot more in depth, giving much more insight into the details for my audience. I have tried to make this review in the style of Sight and Sound, a serious review magazine publisher which covers a lot of short films and independent films. My audience should be very aware with the sight and sound industry and should see this review as a serious and critical approach to my film. I have tried to even out the critic and the complimentary to give a fair reading for the audience, so the review stays true to word and isn’t questioned after seeing the film.

The Review

Could your review attract a different audience?

I can imagine this review would attract much more audiences, a lot than my poster, as I freely state in my review a range of issues and themes and the plot in much detail which aren’t clearly stated in the poster, that could possibly attract a audience who could be intrigued after reading it, to watch as they may feel they would enjoy it.

Is your review biased in anyway and will this have an effect?

Anything you read is biased as it is written and opinionated by one person especially sight and sound. I took this into account when writing the review, I didn’t want to blind eye the faults, but I didn’t want to be to harsh because I didn’t want to be too complimentary. So I gave a fair view on either side of the review. I don’t feel that it would have substantial effect on the film itself, anything written for a controversial subject will have controversy.

The review

I feel from the review you gain a lot of knowledge from what were my intentions especially because I had written it. This meant I talked a lot about the little details which may not of been that obvious when viewing the film, I made sure the audience knew what results I wanted from that action. I also talked about what I felt was most important to know when watching. I had to be realistic in the sense that I couldn’t be to specific as that would nock the effect of a real review critic as they wouldn’t be that well synced with the intentions of the director. I state quite a number of times the term realism film, informing the audience that me, the director, has filmed this to fit in with the conventions of a realism film, so that in the audience mind they have this image of the elements of realism films when the use of imagery is being used, allowing the audience to connect and understand the actions I have taken and why.

What do we learn from the director & genre intentions?

The Review

I feel my review informs the audience, with past events before the current time, judgements on the actions of the director, information on the actors. This important to involve as you want the audience to know much more than the film is showing you so when you watch it again they can value the details much the next time round. It allows the audience to have a say on the issues itself, because the involvement of past events allows a understanding of why this problem has appeared.

What is clear in this review is that I have tried to make it pretty clear on why this problem has happened I build up to the problem so the reader understands the true emotion.

The Review The Poster

Do the two products communicate to the same audiences?

I feel they communicate to the same audience but the review goes out to a wider audience than the poster, this is because the review goes into detail about the film opening up to a load of themes and issues and plot. Also the review backs the film up much more, as the poster is more of a judgment on appearance than taking time to sit and read a review on it.

This can be argued to say that not many people would be bothered to read about a film with a niche audience which is understandable, whereas the poster can catch peoples eyes and takes a few seconds to view and read. Making there imaginative assumption on how the film will be delivered.

Conventional elements what are discussed in the review are seen in the poster, creating this link between the both which is in the audience interest.

The poster asks a lot more from the audience, as they need to piece the poster together to reveal the possible outline to the film.

My Review My Poster

Are my products a clear reflection to my main task?

I believe my two ancillary tasks combined with the main task target the same audience in the objectives they each aim for. I feel that each one adds to one another and doesn’t portray a different subject. I feel they both help develop the understanding of the film, by the in depth insight to the review and the sum up of the film in one picture showing the main theme in one with the help of quotes and awards from the poster. By looking at the poster, then reading the review to then watch the film I feel there is a close connection to all and that no product feels a little out of place.

My review My poster

Stylistic elements

My film, poster and review photo all share the same contrasted lighting element, which displays the realism styled convention, which the audience can easily identify. Nothing about the text link, because I followed a format of sight & sound I didn’t really experiment with style of writing, the review formal style links in with the audience as they are seen to be highly educated in the film area and so it is easily understandable.

My review My poster


They both cover and show the same themes and issues which is important to make clear. I wanted to make it an easy understandable resemblance between all three I wanted what was being seen, to help create a better understanding in the other products. For them all to work together to form one big product, I didn’t want one lacking, which would effect them all, so giving out the right information was vital.


Overall I am comfortable with the outcome of all three products and how they synergise together to create this impact which the main task would not create on its own. Having the 3 products together really helped my main task have much more effect on representation, themes and issues and micro macro elements as they all feeded back to each category.