Evaluation question 3


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Evaluation Question 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

TrailerFrom the focus group we received both positive and negative feedback through both the written responses and the verbal questions. The questionnaire revealed that the age rating we were aiming for was captured in the trailer as it was a half and half split between 15 to 20 years and 18 to 25 which was what we were aiming for as an audience member stated “It represent the characters age.” Which is the response we were looking for as we wanted our audience to be able to relate to the characters.

We asked the question weather the visuals and soundtrack complement one another, the response was that the group was in mutual agreement it “Fitted the theme of the film” and one member of the group also made the link that it can be seen to represent / “resemble the heart” or its beating. This was an effect we aimed to create from the start and so to hear that someone had identified it was relieving.

They also gave us some improvements for our trailer. They all agreed that the trailer itself contained to many patches of dark, although they said it worked well in the ending with the build of suspense, but apart from that it was too prolonged throughout. “Too much black, not necessary.”

Also the majority raised the question about the narrative, in particular the cause of reason for the downfall of society “needs more evidence” and some suggested things like showing shots of “nuclear waste” containers to justify the narrative. We on purposely gave the viewer little to go on as we wanted there to remain an era of mystery in the trailer to entice the viewer. Also as we followed The Road quite closely we fond that in their trailer they did not show the distinctive evidence of an apocalypse of any for of overall reason for the world ending, so we felt we didn’t need it either, as we liked the effect it produced.

Here are some of the pie charts showing the results from the written focus group response.(For all charts look for deprived focus group written feed back on blog)

PosterFor my poster I received a range of feedback from piers, people of different ages and backgrounds to my target audience. I asked a series of questions like “Do you think the poster represents the genre of post apocalyptic film?” To which most replied yes. One individual talked about how the use of the bat and the other weapons allowed them to make the link between them and the genre. “The blunt weapons help to link it to the thriller/ apocalypse genre.” This is as it is a common convention in the majority of Post-Apocalyptic films and so people can now link these to certain genre. One of the most commented on areas is the sky, some said that it was very eye-catching and creates a mood of the piece, also they liked the use of the birds as it brings out the themes of nature. Another good comment from a audience member was that they said they “didn’t notice the hanging man at first” but once they did it gave the piece a lot “darker feel.” I was very please with this response as I wanted this to happen to the viewer, to at first see a relatively peaceful setting bar the blood on the character, only to then see this dark figure hanging from the tree.

The only negative feedback I received was on the billing block, that it seemed to stick out amongst the rest of the piece. And someone commented “it doesn’t fit with the colour scheme.”

MagazineThe positive feedback on my magazine was predominantly surrounding the layout of the page. On more than one occasion the viewer said it had a “professional” look to it and that they liked the clean background with the grey fade. The colour of the fonts make for a classical look of the page as I haven't used to many different colours so as to keep it simple.

This is the piece in which I received the most criticism from , for possible improvements. Three key areas I found I needed to improve were my Splash my footer area and my spacing around the page. With regards to the splash two people out of those I asked said they didn’t think the black background behind “The Deprived” looked very good, which I understand as I only used it to bring out the plash more because of the light background the white deprived font would have been too lost in the also light background. Also I only realised when I had been gives feedback that my font colour at the bottom of the page was not suited to the background, it would have been more effective to have white text instead of black to contrast with the grey background.