Evaluation question 6


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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

Amy Myers

Evaluation Question 6

Whilst I was making my product I learnt about many of the different technologies and gained information which would help me to make my magazine. In society today computing and technology has become a very popular way of developing and producing products such as my magazine which would allow it to be an effective and successful magazine. Before GCSE I had never used any of the software’s which we use now such as Photoshop and InDesign. As I had not had much experience with these kinds of software’s I had to begin to learn the basics of how to use these software’s. I also needed to ensure that I was able to show a wide range of skills through these software’s and by practising using these helped me to gain confidence and experience with the software’s. I soon came to grip with how to use the software’s and I should show skills which I hadn’t used before. By using the online tutorials I was able to pick up different skills quickly.Although it was seemed to be a disadvantage that I hadn’t used the software’s much before this I was able to pick it up quickly.

I was also able to express my ideas through a range of different software’s that I could then post onto my blog. These included: prezi, slideshare, powerpoint and many more. By posting all my work onto my blog this allowed. I avoided using the same piece of software throughout my course and ensured that I used a wide range. By using these products I was able to gain experience of them to be able to show skills within the softwares. To express my questionaires I used survey monket which is an online survey page. I was able to collect feedback from this and also I could see the different responses from didn’t people. Before starting this subject I had never made a blog before therefore I had to learn how to use blooger and how to add posts. After learning about blogger it was easy for me to use and I was able to express a lot of different work through the blog. For some of my work I had to embed it by using the embed code that I would get from the webpage such as scribd. The final thing I learnt to use was Issuuwhich enables me to be able to post my magazine like an online book. To do this I had to export my magazine as a PDF and then upload it to Issuu.

To get the images for my magazine I had to prepare a photo-shoot. Whilst doing this I was able to gain a lot more knowledge. I used a high quality camera being the SLR cannon D550. I was taught how to use the camera before taking the photos. The lighting would ensure that my images were professional looking and also so that they looked more appropriate for a magazine however sometimes the image appeared black where the lights were not working.

When producing my magazine I was able to use high quality studio equipment such as the cameras, lighting etc. This was essential to me to be able to product a high quality magazine which would appeal to my audience and sell well. Without these pieces of equipment I wouldn’t have been able to get as high quality finish and the magazine would have looked a lot less professional. The high quality camera allowed me to take high quality photos to help me to get the best possible grade. The photos that I included in my magazine would also affect how many people would buy the magazine and what people think of the overall magazine. Photoshop allowed me to edit my photos in a high quality and professional way meaning that my magazine looked neat and high quality. Furthermore the magazine industry would also use high quality equipment and I wanted to be able to follow the codes and conventions to the best possible standard.