Exam review eng11 a


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While reviewing this PowerPoint, make sure you understand the concept and reason for each answer.

When reviewing: Go to “Slide Show”, “Present” This way you won’t be able to see the answers, and you can truly quiz yourself.

Helpful Hints

Tips: Review by looking at the concepts and terms on the review and then

write everything you know about them. Search in your packets/worksheets to review not only definitions, but application as well.

Know the authors and their works from each time period. Be familiar with major social/cultural trends during each time period. Know the key elements and main ideas from the following

Read over your homework questions, notes, and any quizzes or tests that were returned.

There are no questions on the biographical information of the authors; HOWEVER, you need to know which set of literature each author was part of.

You are ALWAYS welcome to schedule a time to sit down with me to discuss anything you’re confused on. Ask questions! You will have at least one review day in class.

Exam information

85 Questions – M/C2 Reading/Comprehension Selections

Persuasion Unit

Content:1. Rhetoric: Ethos, Pathos, Logos2. Revolutionary Period/Age of Reason

1. The Crisis by Thomas Paine2. The Declaration of Independence by Thomas

Jefferson3. The Autobiography and Aphorisms by Ben Franklin

3. Puritans:1. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan


A reference to historical event or literary work inside another work is called a(n)


The only hope for salvation is through Christian Rebirth is presented in which text read in this unit?

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards

In describing the wrath of God, Edwards uses images of what? M/c

1. Fire and water2. Darkness and light3. Heat and cold4. Sunlight and rain

To establish ethos, Edwards uses allusions to which text?

Which is FALSE about Ben Franklin (M/C)

A. He represents a rags to riches storyB. He embodies the American DreamC. He wrote satirical pieces for a newspaperD. He wrote Poor Ronald’s Almanack

Brief, Clever statements that make wise observations about life are known as:


The Revolutionary Era is also called:

The Age of Reason

Colonists were breaking away from the ideas of the strictly religious lifestyle.

How many virtues did Franklin wish to perfect?


The Persuasive Appeal that appeals to logic is also known as:


Name TWO Authors from the Age of Reason

Thomas JeffersonThomas PaineBenjamin Franklin

“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch”Is an example of what?

An Aphorism

BONUS POINTS (2 points)NAME THREE of the VIRTUES in the Autobiography

1. Temperance2. Silence3. Order 4. Resolution5. Frugality6. Industry7. Sincerity8. Justice 9. Moderation10. Cleanliness11. Tranquility12. Chastity13. Humility

What was the primary form of writing during the Rev. Period of American Literature? M/C

A. PoetryB. Short storiesC. Persuasive/political documentsD. Song lyrics

How does Thomas Paine tailor his message to his audience? (What does he disagree with

that he uses as a means of persuasion?)He talks about God and makes religious


This was appealing to the men by using ETHOS

Which author wrote the Declaration of Independence and believed that revolution and rebellion should be methods of last resort?

Thomas Jefferson

What does T-Paine call the men in the first lines of the Crisis?

Summer soldiers and sunshine patriots

What are the three unalienable rights?

Life LibertyPursuit of happiness

The persuasive appeal that using source/a person’s credibility is called


For whom did Ben Franklin write his Autobiography for?

His descendants Everyone who reads it

The persuasive appeal that appeals to one’s emotions is called:


Which piece read in class was written to motivate the troops to fight the British at the

Battle of Trenton?

The Crisis by Thomas Paine

What is the form of repetition where grammatical form is repeated


Which persuasive appeal is being used here:“I bring reason to your ears, and in language as plain as A, B, C,

hold truth to your eyes.”

LOGOS / Logical appeal

This excerpt is an example of what?

1. I call not upon few, but upon all; not on this State or that State, but on every State

2. Parallelism

A Growing Nation:Romanticism Unit

Romantic Elements Know all 5

Romantic Literature The Devil and Tom Walker by Washington Irving To A Waterfowl by William Cullen Bryant

Gothic Literature The Fall of the House of Usher and the Raven by

Edgar Allan Poe

What is Irving trying to say about greed in The Devil and Tom Walker?

Greed can cause one to compromise his character

Greed can be very harmful to one’s self and others

What job does Tom agree to do for Old Scratch?

Become a usurer (money lender)

What did Old Scratch do to make Tom feel a sense of gratitude for him?

Killed his wife

List 5 common gothic elements

Supernatural phenomenon Suspense Gothic styled buildings Setting in remote location Decaying mansions/gloomy castles with secret

passages Metonymy Etc.

See pamphlet for entire list

Which poem teaches the speaker that no matter what, he will be guided through his life by a higher


To A Waterfowl by William Cullen Bryant

What time of day does To A Waterfowl take place?


At what point of the story does the narrator realize that Rodrick and Madeline are twins?

When they were putting her in the tomb

In The Fall of the House of Usher, what did the Narrator receive that encouraged him to go see his friend Rodrick Usher?

A letter

Describe the condition Rodrick Usher is inflicted with:

He has acute (heightened) sensitivity to the senses.

At the end of the poem, The Raven, in what state is the character in the poem?

His soul is floating on the floor

The Raven’s central themes involve the loss of the narrators dead lover. What was her name?


When the Raven settles, where does he land in the speaker’s chamber?

He sits atop the door“On the pallid bust of Pallas”

List the 5 traits of Romantic Literature

1. Imagination and intuition are often involved in the message of the story

2. Spirituality in nature3. Common man as hero4. Looking to the past for wisdom5. Individuality

The New England Renaissance: Transcendentalism Unit

Beliefs of the TranscendentalistsElements of Transcendentalism (page 369)Who were the Transcendentalists?

Nature and Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson Walden and Civil Disobedience by Henry David


Who were they? What did they believe?

List three beliefs/elements of Transcendentalism:

People can transcend spirituality through their individual intuition

People are inherently goodPeople, nature, and god are all

interconnected by the universal soul or Over-Soul.

True or False: Transcendentalists saw all humans as equal, thus were adamantly against slavery and advocated for the rights of

women and children.


Which literary era does the philosophy of Transcendentalism come from?


In Emerson’s Nature, where does one go to return to reason and faith?

The woods

What are some main ideas from Thoreau’s Walden?

Live simplyFind comfort in natureIndividualism is an important value

What is the definition of Civil Disobedience?

When a government is unjust, citizens should refuse to follow the law.

What symbol is Hawthorne ambiguous about in the Minister’s Black Veil to emphasize the universal elusiveness of truth?

The black veil

Additional Tips:

Study the vocab words listed on your study guide.

Key Terms to Know: Description- presents details usually by means of 1 of the 5 senses Persuasion- attempts to move through emotional appeal Prose- common, ordinary everyday language Inference- drawing conclusions based upon textual evidence Objective writing-writing that does not include personal opinions,

attitudes, or prejudice Subjective writing-writing that includes personal opinions, attitudes,

or prejudices Exposition- writing that presents basic information Narration- writing that tells a story
