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How Did Eyes on Instruction Come to Fruition?

• It all began with “Instructional Talk Throughs” in Edmonton, Canada.

• From there, three principals from Henrico realized that a similar program would benefit instruction in their schools.

• The program was successfully launched this school year thanks to the HEF Foundation.

other teachers


best practices

new ideas

What is Eyes on Instruction?

•An opportunity for teachers from different schools to visit one another’s classrooms, share ideas, and talk about teaching and learning.

•After the visits, the teachers engage in reflective conversations regarding their classroom observations.

•The process is NON EVALUATIVE.

Our Journey

“When people share a common vision, they can perform feats that would otherwise be impossible…

There is something in the human spirit that longs for participation with others, that wants to be involved in a

collective endeavor.”~Robert Fritz~

1. Common agreement as to why we were here.

2. Developed with facilitators.

3. Shared with the participants through a game.

4. As leaders, model good teaching strategies at the meetings.

Eyes On Instruction Kick-OffLocation: Walkerton Tavern

October 15, 2010

11:15-12:15 Lunch On Own

12:15-12:30 Welcome/Icebreaker

12:30-12:40 History of Program

12:40-12:50 Review Mission/Vision

12:50-1:20 Develop Focal Points Activity

1:20-1:50 Define Focal Points

1:50-2:00 Break

2:00-2:45 Process Information• Schedule • Observer Form • Tips • Open Door • Lunch • Binder • Reflection

Long-lasting learning is generated by going “internal.” We can take information in better when it’s not forced on us by an outsider, and when we can process it in our own way.

~Eric Jensen~

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EYES ON INSTRUCTION is a community of educators coming together to build professional relationships, share instructional strategies, and integrate 21st century skills through reflective practice.


EYES ON INSTRUCTION will strive to showcase instructional best practices to impact student achievement, classroom management, and technology to benefit a diverse student population.


Through the journey of peer visits, we hope to increase our skills and level of accountability in the following the areas:

1) TechnologyWith a focus on:

21st Century SkillsStudent ExplorationIntegration Across the CurriculumHands-on, realistic experiences

2) Classroom/School ClimateWith a focus on:

Parent/Community Involvement CommunicationClassroom MeetingsCollaboration School Rituals and RoutinesMentor Programs

3) DifferentiationWith a focus on:

Alternatives to Worksheets – manipulatives, centersAssessmentTime and Classroom ManagementResourcesGroupings

What Has Been the Professional Impact Upon Teachers?

“This has been the best professional development I have ever been involved in. It is do-able. You go

to other schools and see your peers in action. You see that it can be done. You return to your

schools with a visual in your mind and you remember.”

Results of 2010-2011 Participant Survey for Eyes On Instruction

• 100% of participants recommended continuing the program• 88% said it positively impacted their instruction• 94% said they implemented new strategies as result of these

visits• 88% said it impacted the learning of diverse learners• 94% said they gained new ideas• 94% said the reflection time prepared them for their

professional discussions


• Expansion of the program

• Nine Elementary Schools

• Funding
