Faces of resistance




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Faces of Resistance

Arianna Bornhof, Sergio Vargas, Rashi Kacker, Anna-Marie Hosking 1

What is Resistance?

• The meaning of Resistance is the acton of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with.

• In World War II, the act of resistance can be subjected to many meanings ranging from non-violent acts such as protestng, violent uprisings found in and out of the concentraton camps, hiding Jews, espionage, politcal slander, forgery of documents, ataining weaponry, assistng in escape, and strategically disruptng Nazi actvites.


J e w is h R e s is ta nc e : P a rtis a n U nits in the

F o re s ts

•The heavily forested areas of Lithuania provided refuge for some Jews.

•In Lithuania, this actvity took place in the Rudniki Forest and Naroch Forest.

•Those who could reach the forests established family camps or became partsans.

•The Jewish partsans focused on doing whatever they could to slow down the German war

machine. They began to cut down the communicaton lines.

•The most dangerous missions for the Jewish partsans were missions for the purpose of

obtaining food and needed weapons from the local farmers.

•In the forest, the escapees of the Vilna gheto became fghtng partsans.

•There were four Jewish partsan detachments in the Rudnicki forest:

"The Avenger’s”

"For Victory"

"Death of Fascism”


•An estmated 20,000 to 30,000 Jews fought in partsan groups based in the

forests of eastern Europe.

•There were about 30 Jewish partsan detachments and some 21 additonal

non-Jewish partsan groups in which Jews fought.

•In 1944 more than 150 Jewish partsans were fghtng in the Parczew forest north of the

Polish city of Lublin; of these only 40 survived untl liberaton.

•They partcipated in the takeover of the city of Parczew on April 16, 1944.

•While most Soviet and Polish partsan groups consisted of single, able-bodied men

armed for combat, some Jewish fghters established another kind of partsan unit:

• the family camp, where women, children, and elderly people lived with and were

protected by the fghters.

Treblinka Uprising 1942-1943

Treblinka Uprising 1942-1943

• It was the largest exterminaton camp afer Auschwitz.

• Treblinka was designed to look like a train staton.

• Treblinka I (forced labor camp) ran from 1941 to 1944 while Treblinka II (exterminaton camp) ran for about 13 months from 1942 to 1943.

Treblinka Uprising 1942-1943

• A revolt within Treblinka began strring toward the completon of the camp.

• The revolt was led by Dr. Julian Chorazyski, a former captain in the Polish Army.

• Plan of Revolts, both included setng fre to the camp.– Plan #1: Self Sacrifce– Plan #2: Weaponry

Warsaw Gheto UprisingApril 19, 1943-May 16, 1943

• January, 1943: Successful Minor Revolt

• April 19, 1943: Strategically planned atack against the Nazi’s

• 27 Days Later…May 16, 1943

• Served as a symbol for future resistance in gheto’s throughout Europe

Polish Fighter aims at SS Ofcers

Alleged Jewish Women Fighters

Jewish Gentleman Resisting against SS Officers

Mordecai Anielewicz, leader of ZOB Resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto


Many Jews refused to be bystanders and allow the atrocities of the Holocaust to occur, they were determined to take action against their perpetrators. Resistance groups were found in nearly all major Jewish Ghettos during World War II, together they plotted ways in which they could disrupt Nazi activities and schedules.


Images of the fnal days of the Warsaw Gheto Uprising.

October 7th, 1944A group of prisoners who were forced to:•bring arrivals into the gas chambers•remove their bodies aferwards•shave their hair•remove their teeth•sort through their possessions•cremate their bodies•dispose of their ashes (many tmes bodies of their own Family memebers)

The Revolt of the Sonderkommando in Birkenau

October 7, 1944

Plotng for the revoluton of the 12th Sonderkommando

• Gunpowder smuggled from Ella Gartner

Roza Robota, Regina Safr and Ester

Wajsblum made into makeshif grenades

using sardine tns• Small arms that were slipped through

the barbed-wire fence by local partsans • Knives and small axes made and hidden by prisoners

around the camp

Sonderkommando Take Acton• Sonderkommando 12 learns that their executon will take

place in the next few days…• Revolt begins around 3pm on the 7th of October• Poles in Crematorium 1 begin the revolt. Hungarians in

Crematoria 3 and 4 join in while the sonderkommando of Crematorium 2 break through the barb-wires of the camp and open an escape to the woods

• The shots, the explosions, and • the blaring sirens beckon more • than 3000 SS troops

Thank You Anna for sharing your story with us; it will forever be told

for centuries to come. -Sergio, Rashi, Anna, and Ari



Ackerfeld, Lance. "The Revolt of the Sonderkommando in Birkenau." JewishGen, Inc., 20 Nov. 2001. Web. <http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/oswiecim1/osw475.html >.

Baranova, Galina. "Svintsyan Partisans." Svencionys. Ed. Marjorie S. Rosenfeld. JewishGen-erosity, 2000. Web. 26 Feb. 2010. <http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/ Svencionys/ partisan_movement.html>.

Bard, Mitchell. “Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.” Jewish Viritual Library. 2010. <http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/uprising1.html>.

Bart, Michael. "Jewish Partisan Resistance & Sabotage." UNTIL OUR LAST BREATH. St. Martin's Press, 2008.

Web. 26 Feb. 2010. <http://www.untilourlastbreath.com/Bart4 sabatogefacts.html>.

“The Holocaust.” Holocaust Encyclopedia United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 8 Sept. 1997 <http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/?ModuleId=10005143>.

Rajzman, Samuel. "Uprising In Treblinka". House Committee of Foreign Affairs. 1 Mar. 2010 <http://www.holocaust-history.org/operation-reinhard/uprising-in-treblinka.shtml>.

"Resistance During the Holocaust." The Holocaust/Genocide Project: AN END TOINTOLERANCE. iEARN, 2005. Web. 26 Feb. 2010. <http://iearn.org/hgp/aeti/aeti-1998-no- frames/resistance.htm>.

"The Revolt at Auschwitz-Birkenau." Jewish Virtual Library - Homepage. Web. 07 Mar. 2010. <http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/aurevolt.html>.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “Frequently-Asked Questions: What is the origin of the word ‘Holocaust’?” 8 Sept. 2006.


Webb, Chris. "Sonderkommando Revolt – Auschwitz – Birkenau." Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team. 2009. Web. 2 Mar. 2010.