Family issues




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Lesson 8: Protecting My Family:

Mission Possible

Issues Affecting the

Stability of the Family

Broken family - A family in which the parents are divorced.

Abortion - means ending a pregnancy before the fetus (unborn child) can live independently outside the mother.

OFW - An Overseas Filipino is a person of Philippine origin who work outside the country.

A Strong Family Means

a Strong Nation

The State recognizes the Filipino family as the foundation of the nation. Accordingly it shall strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its total development.

Some of the moral standards that we must understand and remember: A family should start with the marriage of a man and a woman: living-in is not good enough.

Parents have the duty and the rights to educate their children.

It is always wrong to abort unborn babies.

The church and the state should both honor the primary right of parents as educators of their children and cooperate with them in the educated task.

The family must serve society through social service, in particular hospitality to others.

Families must defend their rights and duties such us the rights of children.

The society and state must serve the family.

The family has the duty to care for its elderly members.

How to Build Strong and

Healthy Families

Effective communication patterns

Encouragement of individual members

Commitment Religious or spiritual orientation Ability to adapt Social connectedness Clear and well-defined role

Time together


The strength of the nation lies in the strength of the family that molds its citizenry. It is everyone’s mission to work together for the interest and welfare of the families. The integrity of the family must be promoted and protected by the society as a whole. If the integrity of the family is undermined through legislation, which legalizes divorce, abortion, and contraception, then the family is no longer preserved.

There can be no real development when the welfare of the family and its members are not respected and promoted.

As the family goes, so goes the nation, and so goes the whole world in whichwe live. - John Paul II

Acitivity 1Read the situation below. How

would you respond to each situation if you were the one involved ???

1.) My parents are very strict. They don’t allow me to go outwith friends.


2.) My parents are planning to separate because they don’t seem to love each other anymore.


3.) Our parents could not send all of us to school because we are poor. I have to work to finish my studies.


4.) I learned that my mother is pregnant. It will be the 7th child in the family and we are not rich.


5.) I saw my father eating with another woman in a restaurant. They were very intimate.


Explain the following quotations:

1.) No matter what you’ve done for yourself or for humanity, if you can’t look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished ?

2.) "Trouble and failure are a permanent part of life. They are not, however, a good gauge to measure your marriage by" .

3.) There is no such thing as the perfect family. Every family is unique with its own combination of strengths and weaknesses. 

4.) "If you allow bad material into your home, you can expect negative results".