Figurative language




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The girl was a fish in the water.

The clown was a feather floating away.


The flowers danced in the wind.

The Earth coughed and choked in all of the pollution.

The friendly gates welcomed us.


Stan the strong surfer saved several swimmers on Saturday.

Tiny Tommy Thomson takes toy trucks to Timmy’s on Tuesday.

Click here to read more alliterations.


Chug chug chug!!

Swish swish swish

Yeeeeee Ahhhhhhhh

Glippp Gluppp Gluppp

Idiom  *raining cats and dogs

*hold your horses

*put your foot in your mouth

*hit the books

*don’t bug me

   *get up on the wrong side of the bed

*in one ear and out the other

*butterflies in your stomach

*trim the tree

*sheer the sheets

A figure of speech…not a literal phrase

**An “Amelia Bedelia” saying

“Pitch the tent” means to set

up a tent.


Amelia Bedelia thought “pitch the

tent” meant to throw the tent.








• What are 7 types of figurative language?

• Compare and contrast any 2.

• How would you teach a 1st grader to remember these?

• What is a symbol that will help you remember each one?
