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Digital Graphics File FormatsYour name here

Raster Graphics

• Give a definition of Raster GraphicsThey are the first of two forms of digital graphics. Raster graphics are made up of bitmaps which are in turn made up of pixels which represent a tiny speck on digital information and are used as a way of storing images in a certain format. These files are usually larger and can suffer more from modification which can lose quality in an image. This loss in quality can occur through compression and re-compression due to repeated opening and closing of the file meaning the data is being enlarged repeatedly.

Vector Graphics

• Give a definition of Vector GraphicsVector graphics are the second form of digital graphics and are made up of vectors or paths which are in turn made up of strokes. These are defined by a start and end point with encompass curves, point and angles which can form any shape. These are therefore immune from pixilation. These are usually smaller file sizes to raster graphics and retain quality better when modifying. Vector graphics can be converted in raster graphics for purposes such as exporting images to different programs that work in different formats.

Raster Graphics

JPEGStands For Joint Photographic Experts Group

Used For/Example Used for web formats such as social media (Facebook, Instagram etc.)

Advantage It is a small file size meaning they won’t clog storage and more can be stored. This was more important a few years ago when memory space was often smaller and so not much could be stored.

Disadvantage JPEG files are known to lose quality after a long period of time due to multiple counts of editing due to repeated compression of the file when it being opened and closed.

TIFFStands For Tagged Image File Format

Used For/Example Used primarily for desktop publishing such as newspapers and magazines.

Advantage These are multi-page files which means they are ideal for files that will take more than one page such as a magazine. They also have lossless compression meaning quality isn’t lost.

Disadvantage Due to them being multi-page files the file size is very large and can therefore increasing loading times.

GIFStands For Graphic Interchange Formats

Used For/Example They are used for a small moving image illusion that is really a series of images repeated on a loop.

Advantage These images often form a short loop of only a few seconds which means the file size is often very small.

Disadvantage Because the file size is small it means the GIF is bad quality.

BMPStands For Bitmap Image File

Used For/Example These are very similar to JPEG and TIFF files in their uses i.e. web formats.

Advantage This type of file has lossless compression meaning no matter how many times the file is compressed and expanded the quality will not falter.

Disadvantage Because there is lossless compression it means the file size is especially large and so speed of opening is often reduced.

Vector Graphics

PSDStands For Photoshop Document

Used For/Example Used primarily for image adjustment and manipulation for front covers.

Advantage An advantage of these files is that they save layers and so during the manipulation process layers will not be lost and due to advanced features transparency is supported.

Disadvantage If saved as a PSD file, it is only viewable on Photoshop and so if you wanted to showcase your work, the receiver would have to have the required software.

AIStands For Adobe Illustrator

Used For/Example Used for logo creation, clipart and various other kinds of graphic creation.

Advantage Usually include embedded PDF so other programs can view and edit the image or graphic. This means the AI file is a lot more compatible.

Disadvantage However, updated versions of AI have removed this feature meaning it’s compatibility has been lost.

FLAStands For Flash File

Used For/Example Used mainly for game creation and animation.

Advantage This is one of the only file formats that can combine good quality of the graphic will a relatively small file size and can also include sound and video in the file.

Disadvantage This software is fairly new and many users have experienced difficulty in using it and with major changes being made to it.

WMFStands For Windows Metafiles

Used For/Example ClipArt's are the main use of these and some logos.

Advantage They are freely available to everybody and often come with Microsoft Office as part of the liscense.

Disadvantage However, they are often seen as over-used, unprofessional and cheesy to employers and audiences.

File Format Capture and Optimising

CompressionDefinition Is where the amount of information in an

image is reduced in order for it to be acceptable in certain formats. For example if you wanted to email a file it would have to be compressed because email has small capacity.

Advantage The main advantage is that by reducing the amount of information in the file, the file size gets smaller meaning that it takes up less space in storage terms.

Disadvantage As a result of the amount of information in the file being reduced, the image therefore becomes more pixelated.

Image CaptureMethod Scanner

How is it used for image capture of graphics

By taking physical images and turning them into a digital format.

Method CameraHow is it used for image capture of

graphicsBy taking physical images on something like a DSLR.

Method Graphics TabletHow is it used for image capture of

graphicsBy drawing on existing images or creating new images.

OptimisingWhy would you optimise? in order to make images on the internet

and webpages load quicker for viewers.

How can you optimise? There are 4 ways: reducing image size, reducing resolution, reducing bit depth and compressing the file.

Advantage to optimising The website is ready to use quicker for viewers which looks more professional.

Disadvantage to optimising Image quality can be lost in the process.


File SizeWhat could affect a Working Scale (Photoshop) document file size?

One thing that could affect a Photoshop file size is the amount of effects and layers on the image.

How could you reduce the file size of a Working Scale document without

affecting quality?

You could get around this problem by merging the layers or converting the file to a JPEG.

What is an advantage of scaling up images before exporting?

This means that the image will have the maximum amount of quality available in it.

What is a disadvantage of scaling up images before exporting?

This also means the file size will increase drastically meaning it will take a long time to export.

File Naming ConventionsWhat naming conventions could you use when creating your video game assets?

You would try to pick a name that you will recognise even if you have no contact with it for a long period of time. The name should also be clear and concise so that if necessary other people can find their way round.

Why is it a good idea to accurately name your assets?

This is a good idea because this way it is clear to everyone what the file is and what it contains so that you can recognise it in the future.

Asset ManagementWhy would you use folders when storing

your assets?This makes sure that your assets are organised so if you come back to them at a later date they are easily found.

What folders would you create and what would you save within them

• You would create a folder that described the entire topic and within it would either be sub-folders or all your files depending on the size