Film poster analysis powerpoint


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Rey is in the centre which is a interesting representation of women and usually they are subordinate however she is taller than the robots and men, she also looks much fiercer and is carrying a weapon- this would appeal to female audiences.

Captain Phasma is slightly larger than rey which suggests more power however they are very similar heights suggestingthey are competitors. They are both looking in the same direction compared to all the other characterssuggesting they come face to face with something.

Han,Leia, Cheewie, and the robots are just below Rey and Captain. This highlights that they aren't as important however they do have weapons which highlights that they are also fighting against something.There is fire/explosions next to them implying that the create danger or are in danger.Star wars is in the classic font used for every film as it is a trademark more than a title. The font is unique and truly represents the sci-fi genre especially due to the black and yellow which remind me of bright stars in space. The font isn't particularly large however it doesn't need to be as it is eye catching and bold.The force awakens is just in a plain white bold font indicating that it isn't very important at all. Even though it is part of the film title, the most important part is ‘star wars’ as that is the name everyone recognises.The company credits are in the classic font, and are hard to read, as they aren't very important. Even though it is small compared to the film title the white release date is noticeable against the black background. The release date is important as it gets people excited for the film.

At the bottom of the image there is a ‘army’ of storm troopers. The storm troopers appear to be protecting something as they are acting like a barrier. As they are in space this suggests they are protecting their ship. They also looked trained military suggesting they are a defence-possibly Captain Phasma’s army.

Finn is next to Rey and is holdinga lightsaber.They are wearing similar coloured clothing and appear to be apart of a team implying its them against someone else. Finn is also made to look taller however he isn't as tall as Rey or Captain telling us that he doesn't have as much power.

The poster in general is very eye catching it has so many different colours and things going on. It represents its sci-fi genre as the background is clearly outer space and they are all holding weapons that currently are not used, there are robots and space ships.

Looking at this poster now it is obvious how much technology has improved.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.. is in such a average font and isn't actually eye catching however it does straight away tell you the

genre of star wars:sci-fi. The background is definitely outer space however compared to the new force awakens poster there is no

intriguing colours or anything- the poster actually looks quite dull.However this could be purposely to imply that the story involves

darkness and battles; which it does.In the background there is a space station which is being attacked by an army of planes. This tells us that someone gets

defeated.Darth Vader is the background of the image more or less. It is a close up and his

face is right behind Luke and Leia which infers that he has the most power. He has a robotic face and it looks evil suggesting that he is the enemy.

Luke looks heroic as he is standing on a rock above Leia. He is holding a light saber up above him like he is praising it, this

suggests that he has won something. It also suggests that he may have defeated Darth Vader as some of the light goes

through the background photo of Darth Vader.Leia looks like she is fierce, she is holding a gun and the wind is pushing back her dress making it look like a cape. Her and Luke are in all white matching- possibly indicating that they were on a

mission as a team.C3PO&R2D2 are in the background and look very small. This

implies that they don't have much importance or aren't valued. Telling us that maybe they aren't treated well or are treated like slaves which they were. They had a ‘master’ and

were told what to do. They are looking at Luke and Leia suggesting they are on their side.

Star wars is very small and positioned in the corner. It isn't of a unique colour but it is a unique shape and font.

Compared to the updated star wars logo it doesn't at all represent a brand or a trend it just looks quite plain and

boring.The credits aren't in the typical company credits fontas its more than likely that this font wasn't around atthis time. The transition from the image to the credits

doesn't flow as suddenly the page goes white.It is obvious that this is the least important part of the page as it has no

excitement to it.

The tag line is quite intimidating not only on the character but the

audience. The world will be watching- the simplicity of the

font contrasts the extreme statement, it suggests the world

in desperation watching/hoping/relying on

something. Or it could mean the world is judging and is against

you.The background looks like a fire

exploding, like a blur of danger. It is telling us that something bad

has happened. It could alsorelate to the blur of normality and how

different the situation in the film is to real life. Fires also represent

danger, war, pain ect.. telling us that the film includes these things.

The iconic mocking jay- the hunger games ‘slogan’ is centred in-

between the title. It is a important part because as soon as you see

that symbol you think of the hunger games. In this case it is

representing peace being destroyed as it looks like it is on


The actual film title ‘The hunger games’ is in all capitals- possibly

to suggest that it is morethan just a ‘thing’ it is important. It is also in gold, a colour associated

with winning- linking to the concept that the hunger games

can only have one winner no bronzer or silver.

Like star wars force awakens the release date is made quite large compared to the credits. This is to create excitement

and a buzz around the release date and so it becomes something everyone is


Only one character is shown, Jennifer Lawrence, indicating that the story is all about her. This would

intrigue female audiences as a women is the main character- therefore the production are using star

power to gain a wider audience. However she

does look in danger as she is by herself and there is fire which tells us maybe she has to do something


The image is full size, taking up

the whole entire poster yet is a close up which is really effective as it puts all the

focus on her facial expression and her surroundings

making people question what is going to happen.

Don’t let go seems quite obvious at first but when you question it, it is actually ambiguous. Allowing the audience to have their own interpretations and

imagination making the poster more interactive. In this case with the background being darkness with just the world at the right hand side the term could mean don't

let go of home suggesting that the astronaut should have never travelled to outer space and is now stuck- however there is many different interpretations. The

words are very spaced out highlighting the isolation of space.

With debris around and just a astronaut alone in outer space naturally you question why they are on

their own and begin to empathise which is important and the audience will already be building

relationships with characters without even watching the film. The debris suggests something has gone wrong. The bright light in the background could be

help coming or it could represent hope. However the astronaut still looks helpless and subordinate. As the

astronaut is in a suit you cant tell if its is male or female which opens up the film to both genres.Sandra Bullock and George Clooney are both

in the same font as the tag line which suggests thatthey are just important telling us that the poster is

using star power to promote the film. They are both very big

names.Gravity is the name of the film and this has been made noticeable by the brightness of the word compared to

everything else on the poster. It is also ironic as the astronaut seems be being pulled out into space and away from earth which is the reverse of gravity. The simplicity of the font actually makes the title more

noticeable as it is organised and neat.