Form (independent film) conventions a222


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Form (independent film) Conventions

Conventions• They normally have a low budget, this is sometimes due to independent directors and producers wanting to keep the film the way they want and not give it over to studio executives who may fund it.•Limited or selective distribution to small/artistic cinemas.•Independent films will have more dialogue, limited sets/locations, minimal or no special effects and far less action.•Scripts are put together through improvisation.•Small ensemble casts to keep costs down.•Use more unconventional interesting filming techniques.•Protagonists are not generic and will have some special about them.

Shocking cinema

Shocking cinema does not just refer to scenes of gore, horror, and violence. As we have seen early cinema-goers were shocked simply by the sense of realism created in early films However, most people’s initial response when discussing shocking cinema is to think of graphic sexual violence or violent content.

I don’t think that we really got much a form of shocking cinema as there wasn’t anything too drastic or visual that happened to the characters. However it could be argued that the ending is shocking, but I believe it could have been more shocking if we made the relationship more obvious and made that relation to the audience so that they would feel more emotions towards that scene.