Gold Coast LILi 10 21 08



History, development, projects, mission and plans for LILi (Lifelong Information Literacy) group

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Esther Grassian

UCLA College Library


What? Why? How? Trends & Future Directions

Information Literacy (IL)?

Ability to identify, locate, evaluate, and use information effectively and ethically

Adapted from ALA Presidential Committee on Information Literacy, Final Report, 1989


Lifelong Information Literacy Many Types of Libraries IL in California

My Title…

Information Literacy Librarian?

Annual Workshops…

2003 & 2004: Strengthening Research Skills

2005: Why Use Anything But Google 2006: Super-Googling, Plagiarism &

More 2007: Facebook 2008: Wikipedia, YouTube & Information


LILi Goal…

“investigate… and craft effective models of lifelong, sequential information literacy instruction…”

for all types of libraries in California.

LILi Advisory Board Jill Blaemers (ProQuest) Meryl Eldridge (Flintridge Prep School) Cristin Haake (Millikan High School) Debra Hoffmann (CSU Channel Islands) Pauline Manaka (UC Irvine) Cindy Mediavilla (California State Library) Billy Pashaie (Cypress College) Sue Pelman (Thousand Oaks Library) Marsha Schnirring (Occidental College) Carol Womack (Santa Monica College)

LILi Sharing…

Website Blog California IL-Related Events


Context: Learners

Lack of Critical Thinking

Anti-Print Mentality

Digital Divide

What are they using? CELLPHONES!! Google Wikipedia YouTube MySpace Facebook Second Life Blogs, Wikis, IM & texting

“Second Life”

Broader Scope.. Higher Ed Accreditation Standards ETS iSkills Project SAILS FYILLAA SOS for IL & Educators’ Spotlight

Digest IFLA/UNESCO: Global InfoLit

IL Survey…

Numbers Available

Public Libraries: 1,153 Special Libraries: 1,017 Academic Libraries: 346 Public School Libraries or Library

Media Centers: 6,340 TOTAL of the above: 8,856 ESTIMATED GRAND TOTAL:


Surprising Data!

Teaching…in a Tea House (USC)

They’re also teaching… …in Spanish, Chinese, Hindi &

American Sign Language (Alameda County Library)

Archiving VOIP (Voice Over IP) Library Sessions (National University)

17 California State Universities (CSU)

Reach the following:

Elementary school students 18%

Middle school students 29%

High school students 65%

Undergraduate/Graduates 100%

College faculty 82%

General public 35%

Senior Citizens 29%

21 Private Colleges & Universities

Use ACRL IL Standards + Big 6 (U of Redlands)

Teach not to procrastinate (Loyola Marymount)

27 Community Colleges

7% teach junior high students30% teach high school students15% teach high school faculty7% teach parents of college students41% teach general public adults30% teach general public senior citizens

12 University of California Libraries

UC Irvine Teaches elementary school, junior

high & high school students & faculty Reaches every freshperson

(4000/year) UC Santa Barbara

Does IL in social settings Uses cellphones

40 Public Libraries

Santa Clara County >100,000 users 80 full-time librarians Use iPods & publicize widely Reach 101-250/year

More public libraries…

Outreach to schools “Visit schools doing all day sessions

for classes” (Palos Verdes District, Peninsula Center Library)

Berkeley Public Library No classes 81-100% of users have serious or

profound IL needs

3 Special Libraries

Boeing Library >100,000 users 47 full-time, 3 part-time

librarians + 9 library technicians Teach “how to avoid copyright


Further Research Is Needed

Goal: An information literate populace

Review… LILi

What? Why? How?

Please Join Us!

Phone Conference Call: November 7th, 11 am – 12:30 pm

LILi Google Group Email me:

