Greece Pottery and Sculpture


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Proto-geometric 1000-900 BC


Dipylon Vase

Amphora8th c. BC

Orientalizing Eleusis Amphora

700-600 BC

Black Figure

Francois Vase

by Exekias700 BC Corinth

Dionysos in a Sailboat,

Exekias, black figure kylix,

550 BC

Red Figure KraterDeath of Sarpedon by Euphronois

* Amphora-two handledvase used for storage

and transport* Krater- used for mixing

wine with water*Kylix- drinking cup

*Lekythos- used for oils and perfumes and forpouring funeral

libations* Hydria- used for carrying


Kouros from Anavyssos,

540 BC

KourosNew York600 BC

Peplos Kore, Acropolis, Athens

530 BC

Calf-Bearer570 BC

Battle of the Gods and Giantsfrieze from the Siphnian Treasury

Delphi530 BC

Dying Warrior, Temple at Aphaia

600 BCLate Archaic

Critias Boy, Acropolis, Athens

480 BCend of Archaic

period beginning ofClassical period

Phidias- “Chief overseer of all artistic enterprises sponsored by

Pericles” All sculpture from the pediments

of the Parthenon reflect the “Phidian Style.”

This style dominated Greek art until the 5th century BC.

Lord Elgin- British Ambassador to Turkey

and Greece, who in 1800received permission to take

“any stone” from the Parthenonsite in the early 1800’s. The pieces were taken to London and placed in the British

Museum where they reside today.All the marbles from the Parthenon and

called the ELGIN MARBLES.

There are 92 Metopeson the Parthenon.

North side represents the

Trojan WarSouth siderepresents

Lapiths and Centars

CCA England Trip 2014

East Side Metopes- Gigantomachy- The GiantsWest Side Metopes- Amazonomachy- The Amazons

* detail is from west side

The Inner frieze of the Parthenon 500 ft. in length and depicts thePanathenaic Procession in low relief. There are actually 6 horses

shown side by side in relief on the frieze.CCA England trip 2014

West Pediment- competition between Athena and Poseidon for patronage of Athens.

East Pediment-Three goddesses

CCA England Trip 2007and 2014

CCA England trip 2007with the Three Goddesses at the

British Museum

East pediment-Dionysus

and Demeter, Persephone

and Iris

Reconstructed view of massive chryselephantine (gold and ivory)statue of Athena, originally in the cella of the Parthenon.

It did not survive.

Bronze Zeus ofAtemesium

450 BC

Bronze pieces are lighterthan marble and allow

for a variety of poses to showmovement.

Charioteer of Delphi470 BC

Discobolos, by Myron

(Roman copy)450 BC

Transitional Period

Doryphorusor Spear-Bearer

by PolykleitosRoman copy 450 BC

Discus thrower and Spear beareronly survive in marble copies.

Doryphorus stands in CONTRAPPOSTOposition which represents the ideal

proportions of the human body. Polykleitos wrote a book about this

called “THE CANON”

Riace Bronze Warriors, 460 BCSevere Style

Riace Bronze Warrior with silver teeth

460 BC

Hermes and Dionysos

By Praxiteles4th c BC

Elongated body, in controppostopose. Body makes an

“S” curve.

Aphrodite of Cnidosby Praxiteles

4th c BCknown only through


Alexander the Greatby LYSIPPUS

Lysippus was Alexander’s personal sculptor. Created

this style image to representthe leader.

Tousled hair and eyeslooking upward.

Apoxyomenos(the scraper)

known only fromcopies

Hellenistic Period 323 BCSculpture is more dramatic and emotional than the Classical

period, harsh diagonal lines and movement. Realism- for the first time the elderly and unattractive are


Dying Gaul Roman copy,

Hellenistic Period240 BC

Winged Victory(Nike) of Samothrace,

190 BC

CCA trip to France 2009

Laocoon group 1st c. BC

(from CCA Italy trip 2010)
