Hardwork bears ecstacy


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One early morning, Lewis woke up and prepared himself on going to school for a very important event that was going to happen on their school. At the same time, there were four girls who were also at their preparation for the event on this day at their school. Rose, a classmate of Lewis prepared all the needed things before going to school, that day was a big day for Rose because she and her groupmates were participants on the dance battle showcase in the event of their school.

On the other hand, Calja, also a classmate of Lewis and Rose, had an important assignment for the program of their school. She would be handling one of the booths of their Student’s Council, so, as the Math Club President, she was responsible for all the work assigned to their club. Another classmate of Lewis, Rose, and Calja were also in a preparation on that early morning, her name was May, she woke up early and got up ready, prepared herself, and started going to their school.

They were all excited because this day was the assigned day for their last acquaintance party for their high school life on the Institution of Holy Child Academy.

Lewis arrived at the school facing a very fine weather of the day saying “Oh God, this gonna be my last acquaintance party on this school. I hope it would going to be unforgettable and the best of all my acquaintance experiences”. He entered at their classroom, put down his bag and look for some duties that should be needed to be accomplish before the program will going to begin.

A few minutes later, Danny arrived

bringing the two additional

microphones to be use during the

program. Danny called up Lewis, “Hey! Lewis, I

brought these two microphones, let’s bring it to Sir Joves

so that he can install these before

the program will going to start. Lewis

replied, “Okay, that’s what I think

too”. Lewis and Danny were two of

the four hosts of the program.

Lewis saw Sir Joves walking at the corridor, so he

quickly approach to Sir Joves, “Sir Joves,

here are the two microphones I was

telling you yesterday, Lewis

explained. “Oh! , so it is, okay, I’m gonna

work for that after our rosary prayer”, Sir Joves replied.

After making herself to be in school on time, Calja hurriedly sought for her clubmates to brief them for the assigned task to them. Calja, whispered to herself, “It’s gonna be a busy day for all of us, I hope no disturbances may occur during the program”.

May arrived at the school with the very same weather as what had Lewis and the other student’s had faced. Chriss was already at their classroom before Lewis, Calja, and May arrived. Chriss must be early on that day because she is one of the officer of the T.L.E club that was assigned for a task as what math club had.

After having their rosary prayer, the students prepared all the things for the program. May helped her other classmates on doing their different jobs. And she felt that this will going to be a successful one. Rose arrived late in the school and hurriedly went to her classroom but fortunately she can still able to be present before the program will going to start,Rose exclaimed to herself,thank God,I am still able to be here before the program.

Trickoy and Jung,classmates of Lewis,called him up and told him and Danny to get ready,because they were the four students

who were going to host for the program.The different dance groups at that time were

preparing for their dance presentation.Rose and her groupmates felt so nervous but they put unto their minds and hearts that they can do it and they will do their best.Calja and her clubmates prepared all the things that they needed. May was on her job in assisting

her classmates for whatever help they needed,Chriss was also on her assigned booth with her clubmates at that time.All the things for the program were doing good as they had expected.But not on the part of the hosts,they had some technical problems presently facing at that time.But with the help of Sir Joves they had solved the technical problems particularly on the audio signal of the microphones.Sir Joves manipulated the audio system while the four students made their best to provide enough battery source for their microphones. Holy Child Academy Students were on their seats when Lewis look upon the sky and said “I think there’s gonna be a big trouble coming and all of a sudden it poured down”.

Click icon to add pictureAll the students evacuated from the school grounds, all were

dismayed and the four hosts upto the very single student felt that the unexpected rain devastated their program. All students had just said to theirselves that this is not their day because the weather is not with them. But less than an hour the rain slowly got lighter until it stopped. The students went back to the grounds and a prayer was immediately led by Merie, one of the students of the fourth year St.Catherine’s class. As the four hosts greeted the crowd, the excitement can be obviously noticed upon the faces of every student.

The highlight of the program immediately followed and the group of Rose was called up and the crowd were cheering for them. As they finished their mouth –watering performance, Rose felt amazed that they made it, and all they need to do is to wait for the result because they were still a lot of dance groups that were going to groove on the grounds.

As the program continues, the sun rose up again and smiled unto the students. The program was made funny because of the games that followed after the dance showcase. Calja and her clubmates were doing good on their job, as well with the other clubs like, Chriss with her co-TLE club members, and May who were assisting her classmates, all were doing good and fine. The most awaited part of the program followed after the game. The proclamation of the grand champion for the dance showcase was announced. The group of Rose was not able to win the championsip but still wore their confidence to keep on dancing.

All the students went back to their classroom as they took their lunch and continued their program inside their classroom. All the students of fourth year St. Catherine were so tired that they cannot even walk because a lot of energy and effort that were exerted to make the program a successful one were drained.

But in the afternoon, a very unbelievable thing happened, students of fourth year St. Catherine lively played dance ball as they continued their classroom program.

Lewis, Rose, Calja, May, and Chriss were thinking of the same thing on their mind and said to themselves that “I am a part of this job well done, even though it was tiring and we were not able to enjoy the program, the great feeling that you’ve felt that you were part of the program and it will not be successfully made without your help. This is our last and the best of all our acquaintance experiences.

The end