Hatchery technology of Pangasius



in this presentation you can see and learn some steps on how Pangasuis undergo Artificial Propagation .

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Hatchery Technology


F ish 155 (Hatchery Management )


Originally known as Pangasius

sutchii or Pangasius hypophthalmus,

this riverine freshwater species is

limited to the Mekong River and

possibly in the Mekong basins in

Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic

Republic, Thailand and Vietnam.

Biological Features

Has a scaleless skin

Long slender body

Wide mouth and curvature (not

sharp) located in quite low

position has the ability to feed

on a variety of food items


Eyes relatively large

Two pairs of barbels, upper shorter

than the lower

Fins dark grey or black

Six branched dorsal-fin rays

Taxonomic Classifi cation

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata



Order: Siluriformes

Family: Pangasiidae

Genus: Pangasius

Species: HypothalmusEnglish name: River catfish

Scientific name: Pangasius hypothalmus

Behavior of Pangasius

• They are sensitive to light

• They move in cyclic form

• They are bottom feeders but can

be trained to eat at the surface

• They are easily agitated by sound

• They do not eat when you are close

by the tank or pond side.

• When there is a change in

temperature, they stop eating.

• Stress from sorting, counting or

weighing prevents them from eating

for about three days.

Factors affecting propagation

• The age and time of sexual maturity.

• The season of propagation.

• The place of propagation.

• The extent of parental care.

Sexual Maturity

• Becomes sexually mature after 2-

3 years of age.

• Males mature earlier at smaller

size than females.

• Maturity is earlier when it is

cultured in warmer condition.

Season of propagation

• Multiple spawner

Place of propagation

• Confined H2O

• Flowing H2O

• Inundated terrain

Prefer large body of H2O in shallow depth.

Parental care

• Passive parental care

Development of Eggs

Type of egg

• Adhesive Egg

Eggs are treated with various sol. to

remove adhesiveness.


Propagation of

Pangasius(Production system)

1) Capture of brood fish from spawning


2) Rearing of brood fish

Factors affecting brood stock



26-30⁰C (favorable temp.)


D.O. - 0.1 mg/L

*Pangasius is an air-breathing

fish, thus it can tolerate low

D.O. level

Stocking density

Highly resistant to crowded


*Pond Culture:

60-80 fish/m2

*Cage Culture:

100-150 fish/m3

*Net Pen Culture:

80-120 fish/m2

water Depth -1.5-2m



-Suitable and must be adequate or


-During 1-3 days the pond is

cultured with moina.

(Moina is of a smaller size than Daphnia, with a

higher protein content, and of comparable

economic value.)

Female Male

• Big, soft and distended belly

• Oozing of milt when pressed.

• Genital opening is swollen and it becomes reddish pink in color.

• Genital opening becomes red.

3) Selection of breeders

+Symptoms indicative on ready to spawn

4)Induced Spawning

Pangasius egg maturation and ovulation do not occur

under captive condition hormonal injection is necessary.

Pituitary Gland Induction (PG)

• Fresh pituitary gland of a fully mature pangasius

species is needed and for the female the amount of

pituitary gland solution to be administered.

• a dosage of 1.0 for the first injection; and

• 2.0 for the second injection with the time interval of 6


• Injection of hormone is done intramuscular.

• saline solution or distilled water is added

depending on the weight of recipient, about 0.5

ml for fish weigh less than 1.0 kg of body weight.

• 1.0 kg body weight and 1.0 ml for fish weigh 1 –

3 kg.

5) Artificial fertilization

• As the abdomen is being pressed, the stripped

eggs should be collected in a dry plastic


• At the same time, the milt is made to drip on

the eggs by grinding the testes with fingers.

• Eggs and sperm are mixed and stirred gently .

• The fertilized eggs are transferred to the

hatching hapa.

• fertilized eggs hatch within 24 hours.

6) Incubation of eggs and Larval Rearing

-Pangasius eggs hatch within 24-30 hours.

-After hatching, yolk sac absorption takes a further

24 hours and the larva begin to feed.

-On the third day the fry are transferred to a

nursery pond to avail of the natural food present in

the pond

-Artemia salina during days 1–4

and Tubifex worms and powdered dry

food during days 5–14.

-Or to be given live moina for the first 3


Fingerlings production

-Fries are imported and raised to

fingerlings stage and then sold to farmers

that are interested.

-The fingerlings are Oxygen packed in

25kg polythene bags.


Taxonomic Family Siluriidae

Native range South East Asia

Environment Fresh water, tropical

Age of reproduction 2-3 years

Size at maturation 2-3 kg

Maximum size 30 kg

Brood stock size (avg.) 6 kg

Fecundity (avg.) 50 eggs/ g

Characteristic of Pangasius

Egg yield per female (avg.)

500 000 eggs

spawning Hormone induction

Fry rearing Pond, hapa

Fingerling rearing pond

Harvest size 0.8-1.2 kg


Thank you!


Muchas gracias!




Prepared by:

Abao, Joila

Dedicatoria, Sheena

Feguiras, Karen May

Libres, Charisse Ziane

Morales, Ruth
