

Essays students from the second year of Técnicos en Servicio en Restauración have prepared for the second term.

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Isabel Pérez


McDonalds Burgers

Description of


Talk about a very popular among young


It is a quick and cheap meal.

We refer to burgers McDonalds

characteristics of


It is a product that takes away hunger.

This product is frozen.

Where can you buy this product?

You can only buy at fast food

establishments McDonald.

When consumed?

youth consume at any time of day .

A half day or for dinner.

Often do you consume?

Young consume this product almost


Especially on weekends.

At what age consume that product?

People use this product for kids thanks

to its famous happy meal, and you

throughout your life.

As McDonald burger was introduced

In 1940 , the brothers Dick and Mac

McDonald decided to create the

company , introducing fast food.

Why is so toxic product.

For chemical components that you add

to that the meat is more durable.

What are the advantages and


the advantage of having food in no time.

They are truly healthy products.

Who can have benefits of consuming

these products

that more benefits are obtained


Hamburguesa de Mcdonals

descripción del


Hablamos de un producto alimenticio

muy popular entre los jóvenes.

Es una comida rápida y barata.

Nos referimos a las hamburguesas de


Características del


Es un producto que nos quita el hambre.

Este producto es ultracongelado.

Donde se puede comprar este producto?

Solamente se puede comprar en los

establecimientos de comida rápida


Cuando se consume

Los jóvenes lo consumen a cualquier

hora del día.

A medio día o para cenar.

Con que frecuencia se consume?

Los jóvenes consumen este producto

casi diariamente.

Sobre todo en los fines de semana.

¿A qué edad consumen ese producto?

Las personas consumen este producto

desde chicos gracias a su famoso happy

meal, y ya durante toda su vida.

Como se introdujo la hamburguesa del


En 1940, los hermanos Dick y Mac

McDonald decidieron crear la empresa,

introduciendo la comida rápida.

Por que es el producto tan toxico.

Porque añade componentes químicos

para que la carne sea más duradera.

Cuáles son las ventajas y desventajas

La ventaja de tener comida en poco


No son productos verdaderamente


Quien puede tener beneficios de

consumir estos productos.

Los que más beneficios obtienen son los



Toxic Product: MILK

-Description of the product: (Food, drink, sweet, etc.) It is a whitish liquid that contains proteins, fats, lactose, and various vitamins and minerals. Es un líquido blanquecino que contiene proteínas, grasas, lactosa y varias vitaminas y minerales. -Characteristics of the product Milk is a white liquid matte that contains calcium, vitamins A and D, fatty acids and proteins humans. La leche es un líquido de color blanco mate que aporta a los seres humanos calcio, vitaminas A y D, ácidos grasos y proteínas.

-Where can you buy the toxic product? In all markets, or supermarkerts En todos los mercados y supermercados. -When do you consume it? At breakfast time or in the midnight everyday En la hora del desayuno o a media noche todos los días. -How often do people consume the toxic product? This kind of product can be consumed every day. Este tipo de producto puede ser consumido todos los días. -At what age people consume the product Human beings consume this product during all our life. Los humanos consumimos este producto durante toda nuestra vida. -How the product was introduced in the market/the society?

All doctors said and say that drink this product is good for us. Todos los médicos decían y dicen que beber este producto es bueno

para nosotros. -Why the product is so successful? Because it is a very popular drink and it is an old tradition to drink it. Porque es muy popular beber leche y una antigua tradición beberla. -What are the advantages and disadvantages of consuming the product? The advantage is that in our childhood is good for our bones but the disadvantages when we are adults is that drinking milk can be dangerous for us and our skeleton. La ventaja es que in nuestra infancia es Buena para nuestros huesos pero la desventaja es que cuando somos adultos beber leche es peligroso para nuestro esqueleto. - Who can get benefits of consuming the product? Milk producers. Los productores de leche.


Toxic Product Actimel. Rocío Cuevas Mancebo 28-1-2014

Toxic Product Descripción y características del producto - Es una bebida láctea que sirve para ayudar a regular la flora intestinal y te ayuda a reponer las defensas y vitaminas.

¿Dónde se puede comprar? - En supermercados, panaderías, tiendas de alimentos.

¿Cuándo se consume? - Normalmente para el desayuno y merienda.

¿Con que frecuencia se consume?

- Es bueno un Actimel al día.

¿A que edad se consume?

- Todas las edades lo pueden tomar.

¿Cómo fue presentado el producto? - Lanzaron anuncios en televisión, radio, carteles publicitarios…

¿Por qué el producto es tan exitoso? - Porque es bueno para prevenir enfermedades.

¿Cuáles son las ventajas y las desventajas de consumir el producto? - Ventajas: Ayuda al organismo a funcionar mejor. - Desventajas: Vuelve vago al organismo si consumimos demasiado.

¿Quién puede conseguir las ventajas de consumir el producto? - Las empresas que lo venden, loa patrocinadores y publicistas.

Toxic Product Description and characteristics of the product - It is a lacteal drink that serves to help regulating the intestinal flora and to help yourself to replace the defenses and vitamins.

Where can you buy the toxic product? - In supermarkets, bakeries, food shops.

When do you consume it? -Normally for breakfast and snack.

How often do people consume the toxic product? -An Actimel per day.

At what age people consume the product? -All the ages can take it.

How the product was introduced in the market/the society? -They threw announcements in television, radio, advertising cartels …

Why the product is so successful? -Because it is good to anticipate diseases.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of consuming the product? -Advantages: It helps to the organism to work better. - Disadvantages: vagabond Returns to the organism if we consume too much.

Who can get benefits of consuming the product? -The companies that sell it, praise sponsors and publicists.

TOXIC FOOD Saray Gavilán Carrasco Gutiérrez

- Product description:

Chewing gum Called gum or tongue nanny, substance

packaged for consumption of any human being, chewing

typical clicking noise just unbearable mental health of every

living thing in its area of influence.

- Product features:

May be red, pink, green, brown, orange, blue, purple, black

white, yellow, or a mixture of all.

All chewing gum has a doughy inside and sometimes

disgusting except of liquid core.

- Where can I find the product?

We found in many places: stationeries, Chinese,

supermarkets, bakeries, kiosks…

- ¿When consumed?

When you want to take at any time of day

- How often do people consume the product?

Very often, it´s something quick cheap throwaway,

entertainment on mouth and widely used by young

- At what age is often consumed the product?

It is very common in teenagers and young toddlers

- As presented in the product market society?

Launched on television advertising to attract attention and

they stuck posters on the walls of the city to advertise the


- Why the product is so successful?

Because it is easy to consume, cheap, deadens the nerves,

has entertainment…

- What are the advantages of the product?


Best the concentration, reduces acidity in the mouth, and

reduces heartburn, combat stress and anxiety, help to quit

smoking, nausea relief.


Disadvantages caries, gastrointestinal, disorders and weight

loos sore jaw side effects of coloring and flavors.

- Who can eat the advantages and disadvantages of the


Man people

2º Servicio en Restauración

Iván García Rubio

1-Description of the product: (Food, drink, sweet, etc.)

2-Characteristics of the product

3-Where can you buy the toxic product?

4-When do you consume it?

5-How often do people consume the toxic product?

6-At what age people consume the product

7-How the product was introduced in the market/the society

8-Why the product is so successful

9-What are the advantages and disadvantages of consuming the product?

10- Who can get benefits of consuming the product?



Red Bull is an energy drink that is marketed worldwide with the slogan

"gives you wings". It is a functional drink, not to quench thirst, which has been designed for use at times of high physical and mental demands, such

as very long highways that can induce sleep in busy days before practice a

lot of physical activity or wear before an exam. Still, many consumers tend to drink mixed with alcohol, which can cause health problems.

Red Bull has managed to arrive at almost 100 countries worldwide. Brand

Red Bull, is the public youth and sportsmen, two attractive segments that

have been captivated by the stimulus that causes the drink, which was

created by Dietrich Mateschitz, an industrialist of Austrian origin who

discovered the drink by chance. It happened during a business trip to


The liquid, based on a formula that contained caffeine and taurine, caused a

rage in that country. Mateschitz just imagined a huge success of this drink

in Europe where the product still did not exist, besides it was a superb

opportunity to become an entrepreneur.


As I mentioned in the previous question is a drink that I was made

not to use to hydrate the body, but with a functional purpose.

All drinks are based on the same formula but with a different flavor,

identified by the color of each product. These product variations are

characterized by RedBull flavors of red fruits (red edition), blueberry

(blue edition) and lime (silver edition).

The composition of red bull is:

-Caffeine: One of the main effects of caffeine on the human body is its stimulating effect on cognitive functions. Caffeine helps to improve

concentration and increase surveillance.

A 250ml tin of red bull energy drink contains 80mg of caffeine

(approx. A cup of coffee).

-Taurine: Taurine is an organic acid that occurs naturally in small

quantities in the human body, brain, heart, blood (they are found)

have physiological functions in the organism, among others, acts as a

detoxifying and has several neurological functions.

Taurine is also found in foods such as scallops, fish, poultry, milk and infant formulas.

The funny thing is that a person 70kq contains about 70g weight

distributed throughout your body taurine, which is 70 times more

than what is in a can of red bull.

-B-vitamins: Take part in many metabolic processes, reduce

tiredness and

fatigue, is a group of water-soluble vitamins that participate in the


of carbohydrates and blood formation. Being water-soluble vitamins

are not

Stored in the body and must be collected by the diet. Foods rich in B vitamins are cereals (with skin), legumes, liver and egg.

-Sucrose and glucose: are different types of sugars that provide

energy to the body and mind, the sugar in the red bull comes from

sugar beets.

Redbull 100ml contains 11g total sucrose and glucose, which is

comparable to an orange or apple juice.

-Spring Water-Alps: the key ingredient in a can of red bull, so

make sure that come spring waters of high quality, such as the Alps.

And also:

-taurine 1000mg

-600mg glucuronolactone

-80 mg caffeine

-Sucrose 21.5 mg

-5.25 mg glucose

-inositol 50mg

-215mg Sodium Citrate

-Vitamin B-6 5mg

-Patotenico Miacina of 5mg

-Vitamin B-12 0,005 mg


The toxic product which we are speaking, red bull drink can be

purchased at any shopping center and other supermarkets, grocery

and commonly called "Chinese."

According to some scientists the more or less reasonable age, based

on studies of 13 and older because it contains a chemical that makes

you eat less if age become addictive and you alter your nervous

system, contain too much caffeine .

Other studies claim that the recommended age is 18 years or more advanced since the substances it contains can harm the body of

youth and children.


Redbull known ingredients and knowing that helps improve

concentration, alertness, mental performance and contributes to the

reduction of tiredness and fatigue, when consumed any of the above occurrences that ultimately when we have a physically demanding.


In society, as with everything in general, there are different types of


On the one hand, we find people

doing responsible consumption of the product, which consume only

occasionally necessary eg in the

presence of fatigue or tiredness

fatigue once ingested the product disappear.

Furthermore, we find people who use the product regularly, which can

be very harmful for health as it was created for specific state

occasions the organism.

There are other consumers who mixed the drink, Redbull, alcohol which

is very harmful because the resulting mixture of the two drinks is a

"bomb" to the body.


Normally adolescents and adults would be the implications for

The product can be purchased any person of any age, there is a limit

such as whether alcohol and cigarette.



Inspired by the functional drinks Far East, Dietrich Mateschitz founded

Red Bull in the 80s. He created the formula for Red Bull Energy Drink and developed unique marketing concept of Red Bull. On April 1,

1987, Red Bull Energy Drink is sold for the first time in Austria, his

home country. This was not only the launch of a completely new

product, but the birth of a whole new product category - energy drinks. Today, Red Bull is in over 165 countries and have spent so far,

more than 35,000 billion cans of Red Bull.


I think the product is so successful

because it creates a stimulating effect, which the body cannot produce naturally,

which attracts consumers.

The marketing that carries the product is

very important to attract the public, different athletes advertise the product,

including sports such as surf, bike, motor, snow, skateboarding.

It also has its own shop where you have clothes, accessories, etc.




1. It gives a lot of energy.

2. It allows you to be awake for more hours.

3. It takes away aches caused by colds.


1. you a headache if you take it on an empty stomach, so it should take after

eating and no more than 1 to 3 day or a

week, or cardiac arrest occurs.

2. Produces cardiovascular problems if you know not to take (containing ephedrine)

3. I never go to cross with any drug, or produces a nervous



In terms of expansion, Red Bull continues its targets set in the United

States and Western Europe as well as in growth markets such as

Brazil, Japan, India and South Korea, as has become customary in

Red Bull, growth and investment will be financed from operating cash flow.

Redbull is located in 165 countries around the world.



1. Description of the product: (Food, drink, sweet, etc.)

Es una comida crujiente y salada de color amarillo. Normalmente se

presentan en forma de rodajas. Son las llamadas patatas fritas.

It's a crisp, salty and yellow food. Usually they're in shape of slices. They

are called chips.

2. Characteristics of the product.

Éstas aportan una media de 380-400 calorías por 100 gramos dependiendo

de su tamaño. Una porción contiene 22 gramos de grasa y 57 gramos de


They produce an average of 380-400 calories per 100 grams depending on

size. A portion contains 22 grams of fat and 57 grams of carbohydrate.

3. Where can you buy the toxic product?

En supermercados como Mercadona, Lidle, Día ..etc.

In supermarkets like Mercadona, Lidle, Día ..etc.

4. When do you consume it?

En restaurantes de comida rápida, tales como Mc'Donalds y Burguer King,

o cualquier otro establecimiento que oferte este alimento.

In fast-food restaurants, such as Mc'Donalds and Burguer King, or any

other one that offer this food.

5. How often do people consume the toxic product?

Debido a su adicción, la gente las consume habitualmente.

Due to its high adicction, people usually consume them.

6. At what age people consume the product?

La gente las consume desde muy temprana edad.

People consume them from early age.

7. How the product was introduced into the market/the society?

El origen de la papa frita se discute entre Bélgica y Francia. Los belgas la

cocinan en aceite con grasa; y los franceses solo en aceite. Las patatas fritas

tipo “chips” surgieron en un restaurante llamado “Moon Lake Lodge's”, en

Nueva York. Un cliente le recriminaba al chef de no cortar suficientemente

finas las patatas fritas, así que el chef decidió cortarlas excesivamente

delgadas. El cliente quedó satisfecho.

The origin of the potato chip is discussed between Belgium and France.

The Belgian cook it in oil with fat; the French only cooked in oil. French

fries, type “chips”, appeared in a restaurant called “Moon Lake Lodge's” in

New York. A customer complained to the chef not to cut sufficiently thin

chips, so the chef decided cut them too thin. The customer was satisfied.

8. Why the product is so successful?

Aparte de ser barato y asequible, las empresas lanzan mucha publicidad a la

sociedad. También gustan tanto a la gente por su sabor.

Besides being cheap and affordable, companies launch a lot of publicity to

the society. Also people like the taste of this product.

9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of consuming the product?

Este alimento es muy energético y tiene una buena fuente de minerales

como el potasio. No obstante, pueden causar efectos adversos sobre la

salud. Aquellos que lo consuman en exceso tenderán a aumentar su grasa

corporal y colesterol y podrían correr el riesgo de cáncer.

This food is very energetic and has a good source of minerals such as

potassium. However, they can cause adverse health effects. Those who

consume it in excess will tend to increase your body fat and cholesterol,

and could take the risk of cancer.

10. Who can get benefits of consuming the product?

Supongo que la gente que lo consuma con moderación, sin abusar.

I supose the people who consume it in moderation, without abuse.

11. Bibliography.


Toxic Product


Irene Lendinez Cerezo 2-SR


Description of the product. Characteristics of the product. Where can you buy the toxic product?

When do you consume it?

How often do people consume the toxic product?

At what age people consume the product?

How the product was introduced in the market/the society?

Why the product is so successful?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of consuming the product?

Who can get benefits of consuming the product?


1.-Description of the product.

Coffee is a beverage prepared from roasted beans of several species of the Coffea shrub. It is aromatic and its taste is bitter.

2.-Characteristics of the product. When brewed, its color is brown, and it is usually served with sugar and milk so as to counteract its bitterness. It contains caffeine, which is an addictive substance.

3.-Where can you buy the toxic product? Coffee can be purchased at markets and supermarkets for one's own consumption. Places such as cafeterias, restaurants or bars offer coffee drinks already brewed. There are even places that dedicate exclusively to serving coffee and coffee-made products (with milk, cream, chocolate, liquor, ice cream, etc.)

4.-When do you consume it?

People drink coffee for breakfast or in the afternoon. Even some countries drink coffee at night.

5.-How often do people consume the toxic


People drink coffee on a daily basis, between one and four coffees each day on average. Coffee is the second most commercialized good in the world, second to petroleum.

6.-How the product was introduced in the

market/the society? The original native population of coffee is thought to have come from Ethiopia, and it was first cultivated by Arabs from the 14th century. Today coffee is grown in a multitude of countries around the world. Whether it is Asia or Africa, Central or South America, the islands of the

Caribbean or Pacific, all can trace their heritage to the trees in the ancient coffee forests on the Ethiopian plateau.

7.-Why the product is so successful? The population needs something to keep it energized and awake to work.

- Coffee makes a great pick-me-up: Coffee contains caffeine, a mild stimulant that makes you more alert and energized. When taken in moderation, coffee clears your mind and improves concentration.

- Coffee smells really good: The rich aroma wafting from a steaming cup is enough to make you crave for a sip.

- Coffee tastes really good: When brewed perfectly, coffee leaves a distinctive taste on your tongue, just the right amount of bitterness and sweetness.

8.-What are the advantages and

disadvantages of consuming the product? Negative Effects.-

A cup of coffee is highly refreshing but one should never take it in excess amount. Coffee is very high in caffeine and so taking several cups of coffee in a day is dangerous for health. The combination of caffeine and tannin can also put a person in the risk zone of several diseases. For instance, the stimulating effect of coffee can cause sleep deprivation and disturb normal sleeping pattern.

“Since the caffeine in coffee is addictive, you may experience withdrawal symptoms, such as severe headaches if you try to stop drinking regular coffee.”

- Mineral Absorption, Your Kidneys and Coffee: Heavy coffee drinkers

may have difficulty getting enough minerals in their diet, even if they eat mineral rich foods or take supplements. This is due to the way coffee affects iron absorption in your stomach and particularly your kidneys ability to retain calcium, zinc, magnesium and other important minerals.

- Acrylamide in Coffee: Acrylamide is a potentially carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substance that forms when coffee beans are roasted at high temperatures. The darker the roasts, the higher the levels of acrylamide are likely to be. In fact, coffee has been shown to be one of the major sources of this dangerous chemical in American diets.

- Heart and Blood Pressure Diseases: For people with high blood pressure or high blood sugar levels, the negative effects of caffeine should be understood. Caffeine can raise both these levels. Any type of heart problem can be affected by caffeine. The negative effect of

caffeine in increasing heart rate can create problems for people with heart conditions, and in high doses, caffeine can induce irregular heartbeats in healthy people.

- Ulcers, IBS and Acidity: Drinking coffee can also irritate the lining of the small intestine, potentially leading to abdominal spasms, cramps and elimination problems, often alternating between constipation and diarrhea. This condition is known as irritable bowel syndrome and more and more people are being diagnosed with it in recent years.

- Pregnancy and Coffee: Coffee has been associated with low birth weight, birth defects, miscarriages, premature birth, inability to conceive, and sluggish sperm.

Do Not Drink Coffee Rules:

- Do not drink coffee if you are pregnant or nursing. - Avoid coffee if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, high

Cholesterol, gall stones, or a tendency for blood clots or stroke. - Do not drink coffee if you have mental illness, insomnia or anxiety. - Avoid coffee if you have a coffee allergy or sensitivity or drug

interaction Issue.

- Avoid coffee if you get agitated or feel hyper or quivery inside after

Drinking. - Do not drink coffee if you feel you must have a cup to wake up and

get going and then need another cup later in the day to keep going. If this is your situation then begins to wean yourself off slowly and switch to tea.

Positive Effects.-

Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant and can have some positive effects on the human body. Caffeine in low doses is thought to be associated with an improvement in sporting performance, increased alertness and reduction in fatigue potentially lifting a person’s mood. Coffee and tea also contain some antioxidants which have positive effects on heart health.

“The recommendation for safe drinking levels is 500mg per day, less for those with heart conditions, elevated blood pressure, and pregnant women. The

average cup of instant coffee contains between 80 and 100mg/cup. The stronger the coffee the more caffeine it contains.”

- Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's: Not only can coffee make you smarter in the short term, it may also protect your brain in old age. Alzheimer's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disorder in the world and a leading cause of dementia. In prospective studies, coffee drinkers have up to a 60% lower risk of Alzheimer's and dementia

- Coffee is Loaded With Nutrients and Antioxidants: Coffee contains a decent amount of several vitamins and minerals. It is also the biggest source of antioxidants in the modern diet.

6% of the RDA for Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5). 11% of the RDA for Riboflavin (Vitamin B2). 2% of the RDA for Niacin (B3) and Thiamine (B1). 3% of the RDA for Potassium and Manganese.

- Coffee May Drastically Lower Your Risk of Type II Diabetes: Drinking coffee is associated with a drastically reduced risk of type II diabetes. People who drink several cups per day are the least likely to become diabetic.

9.-Who can get benefits of consuming the

product? Coffee exporting alone is a $20 billion dollar industry, mostly consumed by industrialized nations while being produced by the world's underclass.






