History of torrelaguna


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DATAIts name comes from that in Torrelaguna there was a tower and between Torrelaguna and Uceda there was a lagoon then those of Uceda saw the tower and the lagoon together and called Torrelaguna. It is a town in the Community of Madrid capital of Spain.It is located in the northwest of the Community of Madrid.It has 4828 inhabitants and an area of 43.40 km2 and an elevation of 740m and its population density is 113.55 hab./km2.The town hall is in the town square and is made up of Mayor Oscar and councilors Susana councilor for education, sports and parties, Eduardo councilman for culture, road maintenance,Works and citizen participation (and also is the lieutenant mayor) and Berta councilor of tourism and social services


In Torrelaguna there is also a great variety of fiestas (apart from the festivities) that are divided into two types: the largest and the smallest.Major: among the major festivals are the bosses especially.

Minor: among the minors are the feast of crosses, the brotherhoods brotherhoods and the pilgrimage of the Virgin of the Piety.

MONUMENTSIn Torrelaguna there are several monuments and these are some:- The parochial church of the Magdalena of gothic style of the 15th century- Abbey of the Franciscan barefoot mothers of the 16th century- The chapel of our lady of the solitude of the 14th century- The alfolí of the salt or Alhóndiga- The Palace of the Salinas- The position or council of 1515- And the wall

Important characters in the history of Torrelaguna

In Torrelaguna there are many important people who were long ago like these: - Francisco Giménez de Cisneros (Cardinal Cisneros) (1436-1517)- María de la Cabeza (11-12)- Melchor de Liñán and Cisneros (17)- Juan Manuel Montalban and Herranz (1806-1889)- Luis Pérez and Antonio Martín Velasco- Juan de Mena (1411-1453)- Paulino Uzcudun and Eizmendi

Stories important peopleAs in Torrelaguna there are many important people there are many stories about them and these are some:Juan de Mena: was a Spanish poet who was born in 1411 in Cordoba and died in 1456 in Torrelaguna. He was the son of a noble family, studied at the University of Salamanca and later in Italy, where he acquired a good command of Latin and discovered the authors of the first Renaissance, while he held the position of chronicler and secretary of Latin letters to the service Of Juan II, king of Castile.

Cardinal Cisneros: was born in 1436 in Torrelaguna. He studied in Torrelaguna and in Rome. He began his priestly career as archdeacon of Uceda and vicar general and provisor of the diocese of Siguenza and later, guardian and superior of the convent of the Salceda after entering the Franciscan order in 1484.


