How Connected Have We Become



This is a deck I used for the first class of the semester. The class is called All Things Digital at the mSchool at Loyola Marymount University. The purpose was to spark conversation with the students - and believe me - it did!

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How Connected Have We Become?

Michael WeissAdjunct ProfessorJanuary 16, 2013

What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

85% of Americans have a cell phone


45% have a smart phone*PEW

45% have a smart phone*PEW

25% have a tablet

45% have a smart phone*PEW

25% have a tablet61% have a laptop

45% have a smart phone*PEW

25% have a tablet61% have a laptop

18% have an ebook reader

Americans are Connected

* MIT senseable city lab

Community Redefined

Would You Rather Call or Text?

How Many Texts Per Day?

Technology goes beyond the phone

One of Six People In The World Is On Facebook

Average User Has 130 Friends

23% of Users Check Their Account 5+ Times A Day

250 Million Photos Uploaded Every Day

17 billion location-tagged posts and check-ins logged.

488 million users regularly use Facebook mobile.

85% of women are annoyed by their friends on Facebook.

77% of B2C companies

& 43% of B2B companies acquired

customers from Facebook

In 2011 there were 7.5 million kids under the age of 13 on Facebook

*Consumer Reports

5 million were under 10*Consumer Reports

There are 175 million tweets sent from Twitter every day.

Since the dawn of Twitter, there's been a total of 163 billion tweets.

56% of customer tweets to companies are being ignored.

1 million accounts are everyday.

The most followed brand on Twitter is YouTube with 19 million followers.

34% of marketers

have generated leads using Twitter.

What About TV?

The percent of DVR usage has grown fivefold from a mere 1.6% in 2006 to almost 8% in 2011.

*Neilsen 2012

Leading the trend in DVR usage are females 18-54,

who allot almost 10% of their TV viewing time to a


*Neilsen 2012

*Neilsen 2012

What Would You Do If You Lost Power?
