How to Improve Your SAQ Writing



This is an overview about how to improve Short Answer Question (SAQ) exam responses in International Baccalaureate (IB) Psychology.

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How to improve your SAQ writing

Image by jjpacres on Flickr

Where do the questions come from?

Where do the questions come from?

What do you have to do?

How do I earn marks?

Focused & effective Do’s

The question is answered in a focused and effective manner and meets the demands of the command term.◦Do plan your response ◦Do provide a clear opening

statement◦Do use clear topic sentences◦Do use clear paragraphs◦Do include the terms from the

question in your response

Focused & Effective Don’ts

◦Don’t waste time telling stories!!

◦Don’t manipulate the question to fit your knowledge

◦Don’t waffle – try and get straight to the point

Knowledge of the Research

You must refer to specific research.You must specifically address SAMRC

S = study (researcher) nameA = AimM = MethodR = ResultsC = Conclusion

Finally, you must make the research relevant to the question

An Organizational Technique

PEE on your IB Exam!

An Organizational Technique

PEE = PointEvidenceExplanation

An Organizational Technique

Point = Establishes the main idea you will explain in your paragraph- rephrase the question/prompt.

Evidence = A detail or specific example to support your point- RESEARCH STUDY (SAMRC)

Explanation = Connecting the relevance of the evidence to your point- so what? What does it tell us about behavior in context of the prompt?

Using one psychological study, explain how physiology and cognition interact.

P = Physiology affects many cognitive processes. One example is how the hormone cortisol influences memory.

E = In a laboratory experiment, a 1999 study by Newcomer et al. investigated how cortisol influences memory functioning. Cortisol is a stress hormone, and it is believed that prolonged secretion of cortisol is the the cause of the memory impairment, which is one of the symptoms of chronic stress. The research used three experimental groups. Group one was given 40mg of cortisol in a tablet per day; group two was given 160mg of cortisol, and group three was given a placebo tablet. After four days, the participants were asked to listen to and recall a prose paragraph that tested their verbal declarative memory. The results indicated that the participants who were given the high level of cortisol showed a significant impairment of memory.E = This study supports the claim that there is a link between physiology and cognition. It is known from scanner studies that chronic stress can result in shrinking of the hippocampus, a brain structure associated with memory. Newcomer’s study showed that even short-term increases in cortisol can have a damaging effect on memory; thus, it is causing the shrinkage of the hippocampus. It can be concluded that there is a cause and effect relationship between levels of cortisol and memory processes.

An Organizational Technique

• Be sure to PEE in a coherent, single paragraph.

• If the prompt asks for TWO things, you should PEE twice.

• When you do Essay Response Questions (ERQs) in the future, you will PEE in body paragraphs

• Review pages 381-384 in the Course Companion for more about SAQs.