Ibn Sina


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He Contributed to the medical science, philosophy, logic, mathematics, astronomy and music.

Wrote a famous book named “AL-QANNUN FIL TIB” in which he discussed human physiology and medicine in Latin Consisting of approximately a million words.

It was translated in many languages and it remained the sole textbook of medicine for several hundred years in western universities most influential textbook ever written. .

He wrote no less than 230 books and treaties.

Ibn Sina was a prolific writer; (980-1037)

His Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb (Canon of Medicine), is an immense encyclopedia of medical knowledge that embraces anatomy, physiology, pathology and pharmacopoeia..

Ibn Sina elaborated, classified and codified the subject in a scientific manner so that the Canon became a clear and ordered sum of all the medical knowledge.

Ibn Sina (980-1037)

The Qanun is divided into five books (parts).

(i) Kulliyyat, the General Principles of Medicine which includes philosophy of medicine, generalities of human body, anatomy, physiology,hygiene, treatment of diseases.

(ii) Materia Medica and Pharmacology, herbs and simple drugs.

(iii) Special pathology, with disorders of particular internal and external organs.

iv) Illnesses which affect the body in general such as fevers, tumors, wounds, ulcers, fractures, critical drugs, toxicology; symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis.

(v) Compound medicines and pharmacopoeia.

Besides an extensive collection of experiences from Islamic sources and outside, the Canon is marvelously original in that it contains .

Ibn Sina’s own experiences and observations which include the discovery of Meningitis, manner of the spread of epidemic, and contagious nature of Tuberculosis etc.

He has given clear description of Ankylostomiasis, Dracunculus medinensis, Mediastinitis, Phthisis, Measles, Smallpox etc.

He also made valuable discoveries in ailments now grouped under psychosomatic medicine.

Ibn Sina (980-1037)

The Canon became the first original medical work that surpassed the ancient works of Galen, as also Razi’s Hawi, and remained supreme for six centuries.

It was translated into Latin by Gherardo Gremones (Gerard of Cremona) and many partial editions of this translation were printed before 1500 CE (Melano, 1473; Padua, 1476; Venice, 1480; Hebrew trans, Naples, 1491-92).

He was the first to use “ CATHETERS” made of the skins of various animals.

He mentioned “INTRAVESICAL INJECTIONS” by means of a silver syringe.

He is considered as “FATHER OF GEOLOGY” He wrote books on interior of earth, mountains and gave scientific reasons for earthquakes.