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Nucleon Number A

Proton Number Z



Certain nuclei are unstable. They decay spontaneously and emit a particle (either alpha or beta) and nucleus forms an isotope of a new element.

Unstable = Radioactive

Decay = Disintegrate

Random = Spontaneous

Low level radiation in our environment.

Mostly naturally occuring.

The sun as cosmic rays, radioactive rocks, radon gas.

Nuclear radiation can knock electrons out of atoms in the air or in your body. This leaves the atom positively charged as an ion.

Alpha particles are made of 2 protons and 2


This means that they have a charge of +2,

and a mass of 4.

Alpha particles are relatively slow and


They have a low penetrating power - you

can stop them with just a sheet of paper.

Because they have a large charge, alpha

particles ionize other atoms strongly

•Beta particles have a charge of

minus 1, and a mass of about

1/2000th of a proton. .

•They are fast, and light.

•Beta particles have a medium

penetrating power - they are

stopped by a sheet of aluminum

•Beta particles ionize atoms that

they pass, but not as strongly as

alpha particles do.

•Gamma rays are waves, not particles.

This means that they have no mass and no


•Gamma rays have a high penetrating power

- it takes a thick sheet of metal such as lead,

or concrete to reduce them significantly.

•Gamma rays do not directly ionize other


•We don't find pure gamma sources - gamma

rays are emitted alongside alpha or beta

particles. Strictly speaking, gamma emission

isn't 'radioactive decay' because it doesn't

change the state of the nucleus, it just carries

away some energy.

Atoms are unstable and they break up or decay to form stable nuclei.

The decay is random

The decay causes new elements to be formed.

The decay process is different for alpha, beta, and gamma emissions.

A substance loses 2 protons and 2 neutrons when alpha particle is given off.

• mass number stays the same• proton number increases by one• electron leaves the nucleus at high speed.

This is the amount of time taken for half the nuclei of a radioactive substance to decay.

1. Tracers

2. Radiotherapy

3. Sterilisation

4. Thickness monitoring

5. Carbon Dating- after an organism dies the amount of C-14 inside it begins to decay. It can be used to find out how old a substance is.

6. Dating Rocks

By ionising atoms, radiation causes chemical reactions to occur in living cells. The damages the cell’s DNA and leads to mutation.Mutation causes cancer.

SIX MAIN PRECAUTIONS:1. Use sealed containers

2. Use tongs

3. Display the warning sign

4. Wear radiation badge

5. Minimize exposure

6. No eating or drinking
