Implementing social media in business 2



Facebook Pages for Business

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By Chris Kieff


*Implementing Social Media In BusinessDay 2

*Course Agenda

*Mar 1 Day 1 Management Tools

*Mar 3 Day 2 Facebook Pages

*Mar 8 Day 3 Twitter Accounts

*Mar 10 Day 4 YouTube Channels

*Mar 15 Day 5 LinkedIn for Business

*Mar 17 Day 6 Blogging for Business

*Facebook Pages Overview


*Setting up a page

*Capabilities & Limitations

*Analytics (Insights)

*Best Practices

*Pages Overview

*Posting with 3rd party Apps.

* Pros & Cons

*Page Planning Considerations:

* Purpose of your Facebook Page?

* Tone of the voice on the page?

* Trusting the Admins

*Multi Media Extravaganza

*Moderation Duties & Responsibilities

*Connections to other pages

*Overview*Left Column





*Center Column

*Like Button



*Right Column




*Create a Page*Select “Ads and Pages”

*Or click on Advertising if you don’t have a page.

*Usually select Local Business so that your org will be associated with the local area.

*Select Cause for charities

*Brand or Product is for one single type of item- iPod, Mustang

*Company is best for Corp HQ, etc.

*Getting Started

*Edit Pages (Admin)

*Edit Info

*Adding Apps

*Find blogs or other sources for recommendations

*Use Twitter and FB for ideas

*Ask people

*Look at pages, and ask them

*Admin Capabilities

*No Hierarchy

*Any admin can delete others

*Any admin can delete a page

*Pages can now be renamed (Edit Info)

*Add or remove Tabs (menu Items)

*Add or remove Applications

*Edit all content

*Adding Admins*Edit Page

*Manage Admin

*Enter their Facebook Account Email if you’re not FB Friends

*Enter their name if you are FB Friends

* If the picture shows it worked

*Best Practices* Post 6 photos

* Select permissions

* Set Wall to Everyone (you and visitors comments)

* Set proper age and country restrictions

* Users should be able to write and add photos & videos

* Add as much info as possible

* Always post a good picture- either the business or logo or iconic image

* “Like” other businesses

* Featured Page owners promotes your people as celebrities

* Tell your Fans allows email list import to connect via Facebook Messages

* Add a “Like Box” to your site (with photos)

*Analytics (Insights)

*Limited, inflexible

*Dates are adjustable- but don’t stay from screen to screen

*Determine what you want to track and follow it with an excel spreadsheet.

*You can add Google Analytics but only to FBML pages. Search on it for directions

*Capabilities & Limitations

*FBML now allows iFrames so you can host a page or function (widget) on your website which displays on FB.

*Backup only via external service (may be others)

*Wall posts are displayed in a different order for each user (by relevance)- NOT CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER!

*Page only posts (your name) does display in chronological order

*Lab: Setting up a Facebook Page


*Follow Chris Brogan’s guide to setting up an RSS Reader monitoring plan for your business

*What you’ll need:

*List of keyword terms

* Companies, benchmarks, subjects, topics, issues, competitors

*Bonus activity- Create Google Alerts