Interesting Facts about Ravana


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Interesting Facts about Ravana

Ravana was a master of many sciences. He was well versed with Ayurveda. He has authored Ravana Samhita which talks about the science of ayurveda. Ravana was also the greatest astrologer of his time, and was aware of esoteric practices similar to black magic. Once he captured all the nine planets and vehemently made all of them to be in lagna bhava to make Meghanatha, his son, the greatest of all. Ravana knew 64 different kinds of arts and had a deep understanding of the vedas.

Ravana - The Scholar

There are several places in India and Sri Lanka where Ravana is worshipped. In Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh there is a huge Shivalinga supposedly installed by Ravana himself. Both Shivalinga and Ravana are worshipped by the fishermen community there. There is one Ravana temple in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh while there is a Jain temple at Alvar in Rajasthan.Thousands of Kanyakubja Brahmins of the village Ravangram of Netaran, in the Vidisha District of Madhya Pradesh, perform daily puja (worship) in the Ravan temple and offer naivedyam / bhog (a ritual of sacrifice to the Gods.

The villain is also a God!

Devout follower of Shiva

Ravana is considered as the most revered devotee of Lord. He is said to have pleased Shiva with penance to an extent where Shiva handed over an Atma Linga (Soul of Shiva) as a boon to Ravana. Atma Linga would help Ravana attain immortality and invincibility. Atma Linga would have remained in Ravana’s possession had he not been cheated by Devas.

Descendants of Ravana

The Dave Brahmins of Mudgal Gotra Jodhpur/ Mandor who were originally from Gujarat claim to be the descendants of Ravana. Every year on Dussehra they perform shraddh (death anniversary ritual) for Ravana. They offer pind daan and take a bath after the ritual.

Partly Brahmin partly Daitya

Ravana was born to great sage Vishrava and daitya princess Kaikesi which made him partly Brahmin and partly daitya. Inspite of he being a mix, Rama had praised Ravana as a Mahabrahmin and hence had to perform Ashwamedha Yagna to kill Ravana.

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