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Intonation• Is the variation of spoken pitch.• It is used for a range of functions such as

indicating the attitude and emotion of the speaker.

• It signals the difference between statements and questions.

• It helps to regulate conversational interaction.

Falling Intonation

• Communicates thought, assurance, conviction or determination.• This intonation carries more

definite meanings.

Rising Intonation• Communicates incompleteness of thought

and uncertainty.

• Thus, when you hesitate, doubt or cannot make up your mind, your voice says so with a rising intonation.

FI: My dog understands English.FI: My dog understands English.

RI: Your dog understands English?RI: Your dog understands English?

FI: She got a dog.FI: She got a dog.

RI: She got a dog?RI: She got a dog?

Let’s have an Let’s have an activity activity

Let’s have an Let’s have an activity activity
